Do Lemons Have Feathers? – Book Review

Book Review of

Do Lemons Have Feathers?
More to Autism Than Meets The Eye”

by David J Burns

Jessica Kingsley Publishers

I am not a fast reader and can easily be overwhelmed by a book, but not this one. David writes as if he were speaking directly to the reader as a friend. Indeed a friend in the know, because he has ASD ( Aspergers) and also has children with ASD.

He writes to everyone, whether neurotypical or neurodiverse, and his message is

“You matter
You’re not alone
Support and encouragement is life changing”

He views ASD as a gift, a positivity in ones life; but he is not saying that life with ASD is easy.
He covers serious issues realistically and adds where possible, a light hearted touch (as the title suggests).
The reader is encouraged to

“Know yourself
Accept yourself
And be the best that you can”

Each chapter closes with a summary, and at the end of the book there are two help sheets that really are what they say, helpful.

It is clear that David has wide ranging experience of living with ASD, and he is honest throughout the book, but he has chosen, as far as possible to focus on the benefits –

” I really don’t suffer from autism – I excel because of it”

And that is one of the many positives I take from this book.

Helen Jones – Guest Reviewer

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2 comments on “Do Lemons Have Feathers? – Book Review
  1. Linda Buchan says:

    Thank you for this extremely helpful review

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