
Axia ASD Ltd provide the recommendations in this list for information purposes only and the views, thoughts and opinions expressed belong solely to the author / creator of the work(s). Axia ASD Ltd does not endorse, nor accept any responsibility for views, beliefs and ideas expressed in these works.

The selection of resources is given as suggestions for possible useful reading and or viewing from a wide range of material available. Axia does not state that the contents of this list is exhaustive; it is a summary of some resources available which may be of use to individuals and families.

ABC Behaviour chart

This ABC chart can be used to record behavioural concerns.

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ADHD Diagnosis

Dr Peter Mason, ADHD & Psychiatry

Dr Peter Mason ADHD & Psychiatry Services Limited aims to offer a holistic assessment of patients who present with symptoms suggestive of ADHD and other mental health problems. The assessment and on-going treatment and support will be offered in a collaborative way to help patients achieve their desired state of health and functional well-being. The service aims to be inclusive, non-discriminatory and staff, patients and their relatives / carers will be treated with dignity and respect at all times. Patients will be expected to take the lead in treatment decisions based on the best evidence provided by the service and will be supported in the decisions that they make to ensure that they are empowered to take control of their difficulties. Privacy of the individual will be respected at all times and all information relating to individuals will be treated in a confidential manner.

Ambitious About Autism
Know Your Normal Toolkit

If you are an autistic person, or know an autistic person who wants to help people around them understand what their normal is, this tool can help.
The ‘know your normal’ tool allows you to describe what your normal looks like, things such as how much sleep you get, how much time you spend on your interests and hobbies and how this makes you feel, so that if this changes, it’s easier to explain to people who may not understand your autism that something feels different.


For many people on the autism spectrum, anxiety is a real difficulty. The National Autistic Society has some very useful information: here is the link:-

Coping with uncertainty:-

Information about the Brain in Hand app:-

The app called Action for Asperger’s Grounding contains reminders for breathing and ideas for distraction techniques. (They call these “grounding”).

There are lots of other apps too: the NHS has a list of apps:-

There are lots of videos of breathing exercises on YouTube. Here are a couple:-

Sarah Hendrickx YouTube Autism and Anxiety – explains why autistic people are right to be anxious, why they are anxious and suggest ideas about what we can do about it.

Exploring Feelings: Anxiety: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to Manage Anxiety
by Tony Attwood

Avoiding Anxiety in Autistic Children: A Guide for Autistic Wellbeing
by Luke Beardon (pre-order)

The Autism Research Group
An Evidence Based Guide to Anxiety in Autism

Sebastian B Gaigg,
Autism Research Group City, University of London
Jane Crawford,
Autism and Social Communication Team West Sussex County Council
Helen Cottell,
Autism and Social Communication Team West Sussex County Council

Open the guide in a new window

Autism and toileting

Lorraine MacAlister is an autism training consultant for The National Autistic Society. She has delivered training for both parents and professionals on a variety of issues related to autism, including toileting difficulties. She has also recently had an article published in The Nursing Times on toileting problems in children with autism.

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These are aimed at neurotypical children but may be a helpful start: –

The Whole-Brain Child:
12 Proven Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind
by Dr Tina Payne Bryson and Dr Daniel Siegel.

The Whole-Brain Child Workbook:
Practical Exercises, Worksheets and Activities to Nurture Developing Minds: Practical Exercises, Worksheets and Activities to Nurture Developing Minds by Daniel J Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson.


National Autistic society –

Autistica –

The Autism Spectrum and Depression
by Nick Dubin

Exploring Depression, and Beating the Blues:
A CBT Self-Help Guide to Understanding and Coping with Depression in Asperger’s
by Michelle Garnett and Tony Attwood


Eating problems

Axia ASD Mealtime/Food Advice – Top Tips

Florence Neville – autistic nutritionist and blogger.

Books about eating difficulties

Just Take A Bite: Easy, Effective Answers to Food Aversions and Eating Challenges
by Lori Ernsperger and Temple Grandin | 1 Jan 2004
Amazon Link

Food Chaining: The Proven 6-Step Plan to Stop Picky Eating, Solve Feeding Problems, and Expand Your Child’s Diet
by Cheri Fraker , Dr. Mark Fishbein Dr., et al. | 2 Nov 2007
Amazon link

Helping Your Child with Extreme Picky Eating:
A Step-by-Step Guide for Overcoming Selective Eating, Food Aversion, and Feeding Disorders
by Katja Rowell | 28 May 2015
Amazon Link

Child of Mine: Feeding with Love and Good Sense
by Ellyn Satter | 25 May 2001
Amazon link

Feeding matters

Ellyn Satter Institute

My Munch Bug

Mealtime Hostage

Facebook pages and groups
Cheerios Milk and spoon

Mealtime Hostage

Mealtime Hostage (page)

Sensory based Feeding and eating difficulties

My Munch Bug


Here is the National Autistic Society information on employment

They also offer a free online training module on finding employment:-

The Princes Trust:-

Finding Work interactive ebook
A digital workbook to help autistic adults with job searching and work preparation
(The National Autistic Society)

Asperger Syndrome and Employment:
What People with Asperger Syndrome Really Really Want
by Sarah Hendrickx

Essential Guide to Sleep Problems and Autism: Summary

This document is a summary of our essential guide on sleep problems in people on the autism spectrum.

It is not intended to provide advice or recommendations on what you should or should not do about those sleep problems. But we hope it may help you think through some of the issues so that you can decide what you want to do.

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Functional Analysis Questionnaire

questions to establish the function of a behaviour

(Adapted from Willis & LaVigna, 1993)

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GMAC Reasonable Adjustment Guides 2018

Greater Manchester Autism Consortium Reasonable adjustment guides

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How can I help myself if I am feeling suicidal?

Don’t make a decision today. Remind yourself that:-
You don’t need to act on your thoughts right now.

Try to focus on just getting through today, taking each day at a time and not the rest of your life.

You may have had suicidal thoughts before but you feel less able to cope today. You might find that you are more able to cope in a few days.

Talk to other people
It could be helpful for you to talk to someone about how you’re feeling. You could speak to friends and family that you trust. You could talk with your GP.
They may be able to offer you support and help keep you safe.

If you don’t want to talk to people you know, you could call an emotional support line or use an online support group.

There is no right or wrong way to start a conversation about suicidal feelings. However, although it can be really hard to start to tell another person how you are feeling, it can be really helpful.

Go to a safe place
Go to a place where you feel safe. Below is a list of places you could try.

  • Your bedroom
  • Mental health or spiritual centre
  • Friend’s house

Stay away from things you could use to harm yourself, such as razor blades or pills. If you have a lot of medication you can ask someone to keep it for you until you are back in control of your feelings.

Stay away from illegal drugs and alcohol
Alcohol affects the parts of your brain that controls judgement, concentration, behaviour and emotions. Drinking alcohol might make you more likely to act on suicidal thoughts.

Drugs affect the way you think and feel. Different drugs have different effects. You may be more likely to take your own life if you take illegal drugs

Distract yourself
If you focus on your suicidal thoughts it might make them feel stronger and harder to cope with. Try doing things that distract you instead. Below are some things you could do as a distraction.

  • Play a computer game
  • Do a puzzle or a jigsaw
  • Read a book or magazine
  • Watch a film or TV that you enjoy.
  • Draw or paint
  • Listen to music, if you enjoy music
  • Exercise, such as going for a walk

Be aware of your triggers
Triggers are things which might make you feel worse. Triggers are different for different people. You may find that certain music, photos or films make you feel worse. Try to stay away from these.

Look at your crisis plan
if you have one, follow your crisis plan. You may have made a crisis plan with the help of a health professional or made your own.

How To Start A Conversation With Someone You Are Concerned About

Not everyone who is contemplating suicide lets their friends or family know how they are feeling.

Signs to look out for can include:

  • Complaining of feeling hopeless
  • Talking about feeling trapped
  • Self-harming
  • Misusing drugs or alcohol more than usual
  • Making a will.

This is not a definitive list. And sometimes people might show these signs for other reasons

There’s no easy way to ask someone if they intend to kill themselves. But it won’t make it more likely.
The best approach is to be sensitive and gentle. And it is also important to ask clear and direct questions as:

  • Are you thinking about hurting yourself?
  • Are you thinking about dying?
  • Are you thinking about suicide?

Try to avoid questions such as:

  • You’re not thinking of doing anything silly, are you?

Try to give them the opportunity to talk honestly and openly. This is helped by asking open-ended questions such as “Where did that happen?” and “How did that feel?
Try to avoid statements such as “I know how you feel” and “Try not to worry about it”.

Getting professional help
Although talking to someone about their feelings is can be very useful in helping them feel safe and secure at the time, these feelings might not last. Some people may need long-term support to help them overcome their suicidal thoughts.

This will most likely be easier with professional help, for example, through sharing concerns with a GP. Not only can a professional deal with the underlying issues behind someone’s suicidal thoughts, they can also offer advice and support for you.

If there is an immediate danger, make sure they are not left on their own.

Internet Safety: Listed below are some links for Internet Safety

Listed below are some links for Internet Safety:

The UK Safer Internet Centre have pulled together checklists and handy practical guides on how to use social networks safely – how to manage data and who you share it with. They were created in partnership with the safety teams at Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat and because of that they contain the latest, most up-to-date information about privacy & safety features on the site.

Social media guides

NSPCC SEND specific advice:

Go Compare has also put together a booklet:

Vodaphone resources:


Further e-safety links for children/young people to access:

Resources Released by Jacqui Brett

Jacqui Brett, one of our Neurodevelopmental Diagnosticians here at Axia, wished to share her resources. Both the new “Penguin and Pigeon” book and “Autism Coping Skills” book are available to purchase from

Late diagnosis

Very Late Diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder):
How Seeking a Diagnosis in Adulthood Can Change Your Life
by Philip Wylie

Nine degrees of Autism
by Luke Beardon

An Adult with an Autism Diagnosis:
A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed
by Gillian Drew.

Barney Angliss’ perspective on a late diagnosis –

How Carrie’s late diagnosis of Autism allowed her to see life through a new perspective –

Tom Cutler describes his experience of receiving a late diagnosis of autism –

The effect of a late diagnosis on relationships –

Writer, Joanne Limburg, describes her experience of receiving a late diagnosis of autism –

Looking After your Autistic Self

‘I no longer try to mask my autism; I now work to support my autism’

It is a myth that autistic children grow into ‘less autistic’ adults. In fact, many autistic adults feel more overwhelmed as they age as the stresses of social demands such as relationships, parenting, or the work environment increase.

Niamh Garvey offers tips and tricks designed to reduce sensory and emotional stress and look after your autistic self. From understanding what’s happening when the stress response kicks in to using the ‘detective habit’ to spot your individual strengths and triggers. What’s more, every element of this book can be personalised to you.

Featuring strategies including ‘quick calm plans’ for managing triggers and lived-experience advice on understanding emotional regulation, coping with sensory overload and how to look after your senses during intimacy, this guide is here to ensure that you don’t just survive adulthood, you thrive in it.

Free NAS Training Modules

The National Autistic Society offer free CPD (Continued Professional Development) accredited modules on Managing Money and Finding Employment. In order to access these modules, you need to create an NAS Training account here

You can find a brief introduction to each module, taken from the NAS website, below.

Managing Money
‘The module was created to assist learners to recognise their strengths as well as the challenges they may experience with managing their money. It shares real-life experiences of autistic people about the sorts of difficulties they encounter, and how they successfully manage their money.

The module provides general information on how to manage money, set up a bank account, use a cashpoint, and so on. Some of this information may vary depending on the bank you are accessing.’

Finding Employment
‘There is an undiscovered workforce of motivated autistic people who are having serious difficulty finding work. Our employment module has been designed to support autistic adults and young people into employment. It looks at the steps involved in applying for work, interviewing tips and starting work. We aim to allow users to create a personalised profile, which they can then use when attending interviews or starting work.’

Need Help?

What to do in an Emergency

• In the event of an emergency situation or if you or someone else is in immediate risk of serious harm or injury contact the Emergency Services by dialling 999 and stating which service you require.

• Accident & Emergency (A&E) departments – also known as emergency department or casualty – are open 24 hours a day every day of the year. Not all hospitals have an A&E department: you can use the NHS Choices Website to find out to see if there is one near you. If you go to A&E, you’ll need to register first. You’ll be asked a few questions such as name and address but also why you are visiting A&E. If you need special assistance then you should let staff know right away: show them your Autism Alert card if you have one. The hospital may be able to call a Learning Disabilities Liaison, a member of their liaison psychiatry team, or provide any other assistance you or your carer may need. Once you’ve registered, you’ll be asked to wait until you are called for your assessment. A&E departments can be busy places at times: they can be noisy, bright, smelly and crowded sometimes. Because you might be waiting for some time, you might want to take something to help manage any sensory issues and cope with sort of environment.

• If you are suicidal and want to talk in confidence
• The Samaritans can be contacted on (0114) 2767277 or 116 123, or you can email
• PAPYRUS HOPEline is a charity for the prevention of young suicide. Their helpline telephone number is 0800 068 4141 and is open from 10am to 10pm on weekdays and 2pm to 10pm at weekends
• The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is a charity dedicated to preventing male suicide. Online webchat is available via Their telephone helpline (0800 58 58 58) is open 5pm–midnight, 365 days a year.
• The Hub of Hope ( can be downloaded as an app, as well as having a website. It can help you find services that are nearby

If you need help and it is not an emergency, within working hours (Monday To Friday, 9am to 5pm)
Are you currently under the care of a mental health team?

IF YES – contact the mental health professional assigned to your care. If they are not available, ask to speak to the duty worker or team. Note: depending upon the service you are receiving, help may be available at other times. If this is the case, the service will provide you with details.

IF NO – contact your GP practice. If you do not know the number for your GP practice, you can find this in the telephone directory, or by phoning NHS 111.

Outside Working Hours (Evenings and Weekends)

Support and advice is also available via your GP: you will usually be directed to an out-of-hours service. The out-of-hours period is from 6.30pm to 8am on weekdays and all day at weekends and on bank holidays.

NHS 111 can offer advice and is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can phone them on 111. NHS 111 will ask for some basic information, including details of any medication you may be taking. If you’re calling on behalf of someone else, you’ll need to provide this information on their behalf. They will assess the problem and advise on the best course of action which may be to see a health professional, such as your GP. If the problem is very serious, they can help access the ambulance service
Alternatively, you can visit an NHS walk-in centre (WIC). Many centres are open 365 days a year and outside office hours has a directory of mental health helplines

Neurodiversity Employment Survey Adjustments Interim Report v1.0.7

Heasman, B., Livesey, A., Walker, A., Pellicano, E., & Remington, A. (2020). DARE report on adjustments. Centre for Research in Autism and Education, Institute of Education, UCL, London, UK.

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Parents on the Autism Spectrum


Autism and Parenting
by Renata Jurkevythz, Maura Campbell and Lisa Morgan

Sensory Processing Resources

The Out-of-Sync Child
by Carol Stock Kranowitz

Sensory Processing 101
by Dayna Abraham, Claire Heffron, et al.

Raising a Sensory Smart Child: The Definitive Handbook for Helping Your Child with Sensory Processing Issues, Revised and Updated Edition Paperback
by Lindsey Biel

Sensational Kids: Hope and Help for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder (Spd)
by Lucy Jane Miller

The Out-Of-Sync Child Grows Up: Coping with Sensory Processing Disorder in the Adolescent and Young Adult Years Paperback
by Carol Kranowitz

Too Loud, Too Bright Too Fast, Too Tight: What to Do If You Are Sensory Defensive in an Overstimulating World
by Sharon Heller

Living Sensationally: Understanding Your Senses
by Winnie Dunn

Websites For Parents:
Lemon and Lime adventures –

The inspired treehouse –

OT Toolbox –

Therapy Funzone –

Pathways – child development information

Youtube links and videos:
Brain Highways – The Proprioceptive system

Brain Highways – The Vestibular System – How Occupational Therapy Helps with Sensory Integration Issues – Importance of Sensory Integration

Sensory Processing Disorder: Occupational Therapy Demonstration

Facebook pages and groups:
Sensory at home

Sensory Integration Matters

Sensory Parents

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) support


National Autistic Society

For younger children, here is something on CBeebies:-

My Family is Different:
A workbook for children with a brother or sister on the autism spectrum
by Carolyn Brock



Sarah Hendrickx website

Dr Wenn Lawson –

Alis Rowe –

Lana Grant –

Facebook Group: Mums on the Spectrum

Scottish Autism Women and Girls Programme:

Books and articles:
The Girl with the Curly Hair
by Alis Rowe

Women and Girls with ASD
by Sarah Hendrickx

Aspergirls – “Empowering Females with Asperger Syndrome”
by Rudy Simone

M is for Autism
by The students of Limpsfield Grange

M in the Middle
by The Students of Limpsfield Grange

‘Spectrum girls survival guide’
by Siena Castellon

Article by the BBC regarding women who are on the Autism Spectrum:-

Videos and podcasts:
Sarah Hendrickx Women and Girls Youtube:

The Girls from Limpsfield Grange – Limpsfield Grange is a mainly autistic state girl’s school and have produced a short clip of their students talking about being autistic.

Rosie King TED Talk – Hugely inspiring talk by Rosie King, a young autistic woman about how being autistic has been such a positive for her.

The Next Axia13th November 2024
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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