Health & Safety Statements

Quality Policy Statement 2023

Axia ASD Ltd’s aim is to ensure that the needs of our clients are clearly understood and met through close liaison at all stages of the work.

The Company’s Quality Policy calls for continual improvement in its quality management activities

and business will be conducted according to the following principles:

Axia ASD Ltd will ensure:

  • Compliance with all applicable statutory laws and regulations.
  • That we promote the concept of continuously improving the effectiveness of this quality management system and make best use of our management resources in all Quality matters.
  • Communication of our Quality objectives and our performance against these objectives throughout the company and to interested parties.
  • That due care is given to ensuring that activities are safe for employees, associates and contractors and others who come into contact with our work.
  • That we work closely with our clients and suppliers to establish the highest Quality standards.
  • That we adopt a forward-looking view on future business decisions, which may have Quality impacts.
  • The provision of training to our staff in the needs and responsibilities of Quality Management and provide the personnel and resources to ensure that the importance of meeting and exceeding client requirements is communicated and understood throughout our organisation.
  • That we conduct all work to a high professional standard with technical and commercial integrity.

This policy will be reviewed for continuing suitability and effectiveness at Management Reviews and as required and appropriate. The Quality Management arrangements form part of our Integrated Management System.

The Director is responsible for ensuring that this policy is effectively established, implemented, maintained and improved on throughout the company. The Management Team are responsible for ensuring that all employees and contractors receive training and information on the implementation of this policy.

This policy statement, including any changes, will be communicated to all persons working under our control and shall be made available on our website to all interested parties.

Dr Linda Buchan Director
Axia ASD Ltd
28th November 2023

Health and Safety Policy Statement 2023

Axia ASD Ltd recognises its responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and all other relevant legislation. This policy statement sets the direction of Axia ASD Ltd by communicating its management values, beliefs and commitment to health and safety.

Axia ASD Ltd shall ensure:

  • A place of work, systems of work and equipment that are safe and do not create a risk to the health, safety and welfare of our employees, independent contractors, members of associated companies and the general public, so far as it is reasonably practicable to do so.
  • Appropriate information, instruction, training and supervision are provided to all employees.
  • The allocation of sufficient resources to enable the health and safety policy to function effectively.
  • Effective communication facilities to ensure that employees are kept fully aware of their responsibilities under this policy and that an effective employer/employee consultation facility exists.
  • Commitment to ensuring health and safety matters are an integral part of the business.
  • Commitment to complying with statutory requirements, approved codes of practice, recognised guidelines and other relevant industry standards.
  • All necessary safety devices and personal protective equipment together with information relating to the health, safety and welfare of the employees are available and provided free of charge.
  • All work equipment provided is safe and properly maintained, with all operatives/employees trained in its correct use and handling.
  • That all welfare and first aid facilities are provided which comply fully with the statutory requirements together with a system for maintaining the equipment.
  • That adequate firefighting equipment is provided that exceeds the minimum safety requirement.

This policy will be reviewed for continuing suitability and effectiveness at Management Reviews and as required and appropriate. Please also be aware that Health and Safety Management forms part of our Integrated Management System.

The Director is responsible for ensuring that this policy is effectively established, implemented, maintained and improved on throughout the company. The Management Team are responsible for ensuring that all employees and contractors receive training and information on the implementation of this policy.

This policy statement, including any changes, will be communicated to all persons working under our control and shall be made available on our website to all interested parties.

Dr Linda Buchan Director
Axia ASD Ltd
28th November 2023

Environmental Policy Statement 2023

Axia ASD Ltd will control and manage its activities to ensure risks to the environment are identified and action is taken to minimise or eliminate their effects.

Adverse effects of operational activities on the environment will be minimised as far as practicable.

Axia ASD Ltd will ensure:

  • That we comply with our legal obligations under the current Environmental legislation, together with all other applicable statutory provisions and relevant codes of practice.
  • That we promote health, safety and environmental awareness throughout the organisation.
  • That we maintain a safe and healthy working environment for our employees, with adequate facilities appropriate to the nature of the business activities.
  • That we minimise the social impact of the company activities and avoid damage to the environment through regular reviews of the business from environmental and management systems audits.
  • That we undertake environmental impact studies as part of any company relocation or enlargement of existing facilities.

This policy will be reviewed for continuing suitability and effectiveness at Management Reviews and as required and appropriate. The Environmental Management arrangements form part of our Integrated Management System.

The Director is responsible for ensuring that this policy is effectively established, implemented, maintained and improved on throughout the company. The Management Team are responsible for ensuring that all employees and contractors receive training and information on the implementation of this policy.

This policy statement, including any changes, will be communicated to all persons working under our control and shall be made available on our website to all interested parties.

Dr Linda Buchan Director
Axia ASD Ltd
28th November 2023

The Next Axia13th November 2024
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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