February Anime Amigos Vlog Announcement

Febuary Anime Amigos vlog (Anime fights)


Our next Anime Amigo vlog will be Calvin, Reece, Ren and Elliot will be doing their version of screen junkies movie fights competing against each over for a championship belt to see who can debate the others.

The rules are simple each round 3 of them will compete in a debate on a question they’ll get 2 minutes to explain why there answer is a good idea then will have 5 minutes between them to explain why the other options isn’t as good as there’s. The amigo not competing decides the winner and remember if you’re judging it’s not necessarily who has the answer you agree with it’s who made the best argument.

So lads send your answers to Calvin privately in direct messaging so nobody gives the same answer. It’s first come first serve so if 2 of you say the same thing I’m sorry it’s the first person to pick something that will get you to argue it. and to make sure it’s fair calvin cannot make a single pick until everyone has chosen their answers

Febuary 28th at 1 PM the following address:
Red Hill House
Hope Street
The questions are
  • Who should direct a live action adaptation of Attack On Titan
  • Which 2017 Anime that didn’t receive a single crunchyroll award nomination deserved one and for which category/s (for example despite Juuni Taisen being criminally underated it still recived one nomination so can’t be picked but WorldEnd could be for example) (so no picking IBO Reece despite it not reciving anime of the year nomination)
  • What is the worst part of Sword Art Online so far?
  • Which Studio Ghibli film should be remade in live action
  • What is the best Sequel, new season or reboot in Anime
  • What is the worst Sequel, new season or reboot in Anime
  • Which My Hero Academia side character is most deserving of a spin off Manga (must be character that’s been introduced in the anime so far so no choosing Deku’s father)

The winner will receive a replica championship belt and be declared the reigning Anime Fights champion.
Just to get you in the idea here’s the original idea that we’re replicating

Thank you for your hopeful participation
Calvin – Nerd Consultant

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