Older People’s Problems with the Internet

Here are some thoughts shared with us through our “Guest Contribution Form”computer-problems
This is about the internet and how I wish it had been invented when I was young, and I know I would have been a natural at using the internet if it had been invented when I was young.
Instead it has suddenly come along and in my case overwhelmed me from a paper society to a paperless society. For example newspapers used to print Cinema Listings in the good old days. Even though I am fine with looking up the Cinema Listings on the internet it’s very inconvenient and time consuming, with the papers it was so much more Convenient able to see the Listings for the whole area in front of you.
A couple of Examples of what I cannot do on the internet are Pasting and Printing. I am looking at the words ‘File Attachment’ below in terror as I do with much of internet Jargon.These examples are some of the Problems I have with the internet for no other reason than my age.
Considering my age related problem I get by quite well, am mostly self taught I would guess 90+ percent, self taught. But there is a lot I don’t no about the internet for no other reason than my age. With the internet suddenly taking over our lives I can Empathise with the older generation after the Second World War who were overwhelmed by the rapid increase in the number of Motor Cars on the Roads. It must have been a nightmare.
In conclusion with the internet not having been invented when I was young I wish it hadn’t been invented in my Lifetime. I apologise for saying that but it’s how I honestly feel.
Ronnie – Guest Contributor

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