Say ‘No’ to Hate Crime

I’ve been concerned at reports of hate mail and other forms of hate crime in the UK following the EU referendum.

However this is not confined to our country. I felt compelled to write a new song ‘Don’t be Hateful’. It is dedicated to the memory of Jo Cox MP.

Martin John Reynolds – Guest Contributor

Submitted via our Guest Contribution Form

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2 comments on “Say ‘No’ to Hate Crime
  1. Helen says:

    Very good lyrics Martin, and a catchy tune. The chorus stays with the listener.
    Very professional I thought.

    • Martin John Reynolds says:

      Thanks Helen! My colleagues Dan Logan and Jon Fellowes take my tunes and add their wealth of experience in music. Next up in late January is my version of ‘Stay Free’ by the Clash. I think it’s a good idea as they are my musical heroes. Hopefully I can make the song sound fresh. Keep listening!

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