Understanding the Emotional Experiences of Students who have received a Dyslexia Diagnosis during Adulthood

We are looking for people who:
❖ Are 18 or over
❖ Are currently a university student in the UK
❖ Received a dyslexia diagnosis during adulthood
❖ Speak English as a first language

What is the research about?
We want to understand what factors affect the well-being of
university students with dyslexia.

1. If interested, please use the link:
2. Access the participant information sheets
3. Complete and sign the consent form
4. Complete the demographics survey which will take 10 minutes
5. Attend a 90-minute interview via Microsoft Teams
6. Receive a £20 voucher for taking part!

For more information, please contact the lead researcher: Shani Sephton
(She/her), Trainee Clinical Psychologist Email: s.sephton@surrey.ac.uk
*Please use your university email address to help us confirm your student status.
This study was reviewed and given favourable ethical opinion by the University of Surrey, Ethics Committee. Ref: FHMS 23-24 166 EGA

Recruitment ends 31/03/2025

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