August Anime Amigos vlog announcement

August Anime Amigos vlog
(Death Note Netflix adaptation)

Our next Anime Amigo vlog will be on August 30th our consultant Calvin with co host Reece, as well as returners Ren and Elliot will be discussing our thoughts on the Netflix adaptation of Death Note which will be available from August 25th onwards

August 30th at 1pm the following address:
Red Hill House
Hope Street

As well as that everyone attending will be discussing

  • Our thoughts on Death Note Anime
  • Our thoughts on Death Note Netflix
  • Our Netflix Anime recommendation both Netflix exclusive and non exclusive

Please leave a comment if you wish to be a part of it so we are aware of numbers to expect and once we start filming we won’t start again for late arrivals and we’ll be having a game of Dungons and dragons afterwards

Thank you for your hopeful participation

Calvin – Nerd Consultant

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One comment on “August Anime Amigos vlog announcement
  1. Linda Buchan says:

    Very pleased to see this aspect of Axia developing
    Thank you for all your hard work and dedication

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12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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