“Autism and Alcohol” – PDSG Presentation by Matt Tinsley & Sarah Hendrickx

“Autism and Alcohol”

Wednedays talk was given by Matt Tinsley, Autistic Adult and Co-author of Asperger Syndrome: Drinking To Cope.

Matt shared his very interesting story of late diagnosed Autism and how this realisation led to his recovery from severe alcoholism. Sarah then talked on what is known about Autism and addiction.

“Autism and Alcohol”

Axia Post-Diagnostic Support Group
February 2020

with Matt Tinsley and Sarah Hendrickx

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5 comments on ““Autism and Alcohol” – PDSG Presentation by Matt Tinsley & Sarah Hendrickx
  1. David Hughes says:

    The similarities between the affects of autism and alcoholism were fascinating but it was Matt’s personal story and the way autism influenced him from childhood through to the present day that I enjoyed.Time and again I found myself relating to instances he spoke about.A really worthwhile talk thanks to Matt and the Axia team.

  2. Senor says:

    Fascinating! I’ve only ever really been a fairly moderate and infrequent drinker. That might have come about because I found heavy drinking increased my loneliness. And I think also because I now live in a country where I can’t relate to the local drinking culture – it has never taken me to places here where I can enjoy socialising. And in recent years, I can go for months on end without even drinking a single beer at home.

    But what I really got from this is just how much even moderate drinking can help to conceal your neurodiversity. And yes, the neurodiversity did seem to become more obvious in the time between reduced drinking and self-identification/diagnosis. But I’m glad that I am diagnosed, hardly ever drink now, but can still drink occasionally with enjoyment. And yet, I don’t miss drinking alcohol much.

  3. Linda Buchan says:

    Thank you Matt for coming to the group
    I am so sorry we missed it as we were at the National Autistic Society conference
    I have now had the opportunity to listen to the presentation and see the slides so thank you Dream
    Thank you Sarah for organising this

  4. Ronnie Hunt says:

    A very Good Meeting, make me Realise how Fortunate I am Never having a Drink Problem.

  5. Helen Jones says:

    I would just like to add my thanks to Matt for his honest and engaging talk. I got a lot from it. I have an addictive personality and know that I can not be complacent in such matters.
    I found Matt’s talk, along with Sarah’s input, really helpful.
    Many thanks to all involved and especially to Matt for travelling from his home down south.

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