Autism in Lockdown – July PDSG Presentation by Sarah Hendrickx

Autism in Lockdown

Sarah Hendrickx shares her thoughts and experiences from herself and other autistic adults and families about their experiences – both positive and negative – of the COVID-19 situation and lockdown.

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4 comments on “Autism in Lockdown – July PDSG Presentation by Sarah Hendrickx
  1. Helen Jones says:

    It was great to see and hear Sarah today. I consider Axia to be my family, and I have missed seeing you all at the PDSG; so contact like this is very welcome.
    Thank you.
    Kind regards

  2. Senor says:

    In another country, but the feelings are very similiar. Much as i’m finding lockdown quite a useful experience, it is also remarkably like my pre-Covid existence. I was making some effort to have more social contact/gainful employment in my old-age, but that is more-or-less on hold at the moment. The thing is that I really enjoy being able to do things in my own way and in my own time, and to that end I have had quite an online presence for decades. For example, a lot of my employment certification comes from open & distance education situations. Now that did bring quite a lot of remote, but interesting, social contact. But I sense that there are many other people in my situation who would genuinely prefer to have a bit more F2F contact; even though i count myself a bif naff at it.recent UK opinion polls suggest that many people, both NT and ND, are very aware how they have been deliberately prodded into a distanced way-of-life by the idealogues who apparently still think life is nothing more than an exercise in genetic survival, economic efficiency and mass indebtedness for the sake of the wealth and security of the few. It is completely obvious to me that the likes of Dominic Cummings have been doing a lot of overtime recently; obviously fearing that their idealogical vision is under threat from some recent public sentiment trends.

  3. Julie Martin says:

    thanks for this. it made me feel connected when many things you discussed struck a chord. x J

  4. Linda Buchan says:

    Glad to hear that Julie

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