Breaking down the barriers to employment for autistic people

Breaking down the barriers to employment for autistic people
| Too much information: understanding autism | The Guardian

Only 16% of autistic adults are in full-time paid work. Kathryn Moore, 25, discusses the prejudices people like her face, explains why her autism can actually be helpful to her job, and gives advice to employers on how to be more supportive.
Kathryn Moore, 25, from Peterborough, works in customer service. She’s been in the role for eight days and hopes to remain. Though Moore, who is autistic, has never struggled to find work, hanging on to a job can be a problem.
“I find busy environments with lots of noise quite difficult,”
she says, so retail roles are not ideal for her. Moore also struggles with social interactions and finds workplace relationships difficult to navigate:
“I generally don’t pick up on subtle cues and body language, and that can lead to issues with colleagues.”

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