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This section is where you will find Anime, Gaming and Film reviews from Calvin and the Anime Amigos.

Alien Covenant – Review

“ALIEN COVENANT” I really like the Alien movies, they are good fun, well at least the first two are. Ridley Scott really started something with this franchise and it seems like being a director or writer in this franchise often

Posted in Anime and Gaming

The Boss Baby – Review

“THE BOSS BABY” I get a sense that Dreamworks is really slumming it with their current line-up of animated films. They seem to be going down a similar route to what Pixar was doing before Inside Out came out, churning

Posted in Anime and Gaming

Guardians of The Galaxy Volume 2 – Review

“GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOLUME 2” Up until the Summer of 2014 nobody really knew who the Guardians of the Galaxy were. Let’s face it, even in comic circles, they were rather an obscure team. However, this franchise was always

Posted in Anime and Gaming

Anime Amigos Vlog 2

Anime Amigos Vlog 2 Ghost In The Shell (2017) and Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale Here’s our second Anime vlog Hosted by Nerd Consultant Calvin and Reece Imiolek along with Ren Bromiley and Elliot Chapman on the subject of their

Posted in Anime Amigos Vlog

Sword Art Online Ordinal Scale – Review

“SWORD ART ONLINE ORDINAL SCALE” It’s one thing to be successful in Anime, it’s another to create a phenomenon. For the past few years, there will always be at least one Anime that would come out every year that would

Posted in Anime and Gaming

Fast And Furious 8 – Review

“FAST AND FURIOUS 8” Eight, seriously, eight, they made eight of these! It’s not as if this is a long saga that requires tons of movies to tell the story. The original was just an LA based thriller that happened

Posted in Anime and Gaming

April Anime Amigos vlog

April Anime Amigos vlog (Ghost In The Shell / Sword Art Online) Our next Anime Amigo vlog will be on April 26th our consultant Calvin with his co-host Reece will be discussing with guests their thoughts on Ghost In the

Posted in Anime Amigos Vlog, News

A Silent Voice – Review

“A SILENT VOICE” Now, A Silent Voice is one of the Animes that I have been really excited to see because at one time, this was ranked higher on many Anime website boards that the previously reviewed Your Name, which,

Posted in Anime and Gaming

Ghost In The Shell (2017) – Review

“GHOST IN THE SHELL (2017)” Let’s kick off Anime April with something that has been getting Anime fans both excited and worried the live action adaptation of Ghost in the Shell. Now I have already professed that I absolutely love

Posted in Anime and Gaming

Power Rangers (2017) – Review

“POWER RANGERS (2017)” If there was one show I watched as a kid it was Power Rangers. This was awesome. I was into things like Ninja Turtles, but these things felt like the spiritual successor to them, it had everything,

Posted in Anime and Gaming

Anime Amigos Vlog 1 – Best of Winter 2017

Anime Amigo’s Vlog ep1: Best of Winter 2017 Here’s our first Anime vlog Hosted by Nerd Consultant Calvin and Reece Imiolek on the subject of Winter 2017 season of Anime   So you get some visual to what we’re talking

Posted in Anime Amigos Vlog

Beauty and The Beast (2017) – Review

“BEAUTY AND THE BEAST (2017)” This is now the third in a series of live action re-makes of classic Disney films. The previous two being 2015 Cinderella and 2016’s The Jungle Book which I reviewed for the website last year.

Posted in Anime and Gaming

Kong: Skull Island – Review

“KONG: SKULL ISLAND” Most of the summer blockbusters traces back to Jaws. I think Jaws probably was the film that started the idea of the Summer blockbuster, because it proved you could make a movie on that scale and sell

Posted in Anime and Gaming

Logan – Review

“LOGAN” It’s really hard to believe, but as Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart pointed out on their appearance on the Graham Norton show, it’s been 17 years since the first X Men movie, 17 years!!! People talk about franchises that

Posted in Anime and Gaming

Justice League Dark – Review

“JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK” Well, it’s another year, so another trilogy of straight to home release DC animated films. Now last year wasn’t an incredibly good year for DC, they didn’t really manage to get anything right. The live action films

Posted in Anime and Gaming

John Wick: Chapter 2 – Review

“JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 2” It has shown how long I have been doing this that I am not starting to get to the stage where I can now say I have reviewed multiple times follow-ups to films I have already

Posted in Anime and Gaming

Lego Batman Movie – Review

“LEGO BATMAN MOVIE” Following off from the surprise success of Warner Bros, the Lego Movie in 2014, it was announced that a spin-off would be made for one of the popular characters to turn up from that film ‘Lego Batman’.

Posted in Anime and Gaming

Sing – Review

“SING” Written and directed by Garth Jennings, director of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Sing, is the latest film from Illumination pictures, the same animation studio behind Despicable Me, Minions and the previously reviewed Secret Life of Pets films and

Posted in Anime and Gaming
The Next Axia PDSG12th March 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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