Coeliac Awareness Week 2018 – What Health

Wed 9th May – Tue 15th May 2018
United Kingdom

Coeliac Awareness Week aims to raise awareness about coeliac disease.

This event is sponsored by Coeliac UK, an organization which provides support for people with this disease.

Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disease with symptoms are triggered by gluten. Gluten is a substance found in barley, rye and wheat. People with coeliac disease react to gluten which damages the lining of the small intestine and in some cases other parts of the body.

The symptoms of coeliac disease can vary both in type and severity.

Common Recognized Symptoms Of Coeliac Disease

  • bowel & digestion – constipation, diarrhea and excessive flatulence/wind
  • gastrointestinal symptoms – these may include nausea and vomiting, and discomfort from bloating, cramping and stomach pain
  • headaches and fatigue
  • weight loss
  • depression
  • deficiencies in folic acid, iron or vitamin B12
  • skin rash
  • osteoporosis
  • pain in the bone and joints
  • neurological based problems including ataxia (in which there is poor muscle coordination) and neuropathy (in which the person experiences numbness and tingling in both the hands and feet)
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2 comments on “Coeliac Awareness Week 2018 – What Health
  1. Paul D says:

    Being tested (again) for coelic disease after 16 years nausea and vomiting will have cameras going into various orifices etc A sibling with ASD also experiences various gastro issues

    Post-diagnosis I discover there is a strong relationship between ASD and gastro issues and possibly vagus nerve which regulates heart, lung, gastro function and more.. There’s quite a lot of discussion about gut microbials activity in relation to this and it seems persons with ASD are born with a different formation of gut microbes and this may play a role in some of these issues?

    Would like to learn more about this and any references to further reading materials would be welcome

    I don’t think there is much awareness of the numerous co-morbid problems with the general public, most people seem to think it’s purely a social awkwardness thing and comments like “I’m probably on the spectrum a bit too..” are getting a bit tiresome..

  2. Linda Buchan says:

    Thanks Paul
    We are hoping to have a speaker at our group to talk about Nutrition

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