Our December PDSG – Note


Our monthly Post-Diagnostic Support Group takes place next Wednesday (13 December) between 11.30 am and 1.30 pm. This month we will be joined by Sarah Hendrickx, delivering a presentation on Employment.

In addition, we will also be joined by either James Holden or Jo Davies who are working on a project regarding employment support which can be accessed by individuals residing within the Vale Royal locality. Either James or Jo will be able to explain more fully the details of this exciting project taking place.

Hannah will be asking the following questions to members of the group to incorporate in our first annual report. Post-it’s will be handed out for responses given:

  • How many group sessions have you attended?
  • What do you find most useful or enjoyable about the group?
  • How has attending the group benefitted you/your life?
  • What would you like to be different about the group?
In attendance from Axia ASD Ltd will be:
  • Dr Linda Buchan
  • Calvin Atkinson
  • Elspeth Bromiley
  • Renwick Bromiley
  • Gail Pirie
  • Dream
  • David Reiser
  • Hannah Williamson

Carly will be unable to attend this month’s meeting as due to the company growth and expansion it is vital that the Administration Office remains open to enquiries at all times and so will be providing the cover for Axia ASD Ltd headquarters that day.

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One comment on “Our December PDSG – Note
  1. ronnie says:

    Sorry that it has to be Carly who stays at Redhill House. Carly was an important member of the Team at the Crewe Meetings. This is the 2nd meeting in a row Carly will be absent and it’s a shame another member of axia asd cannot look after the enquires at axia asd instead of Carly. I appreciate axia asd has always been a business, but with axia’s growth and expansion axia asd is in danger of feeling like a business rather than the informal down to Earth axia asd that is much loved. A few examples in Your December PDSG-Note you use the following Terms- Company, Axia ASD Ltd. It used to be
    so informal and as a result was much better when the Term axia asd was referred to instead rather than the business terms now creeping in spoiling the nature of the meetings losing that special unique, informal and personel touch of the good old lower casing axia asd.
    Finally as Carly is going to be absent again, I hope one of the axia asd team will take the Notes of the minutes and publish the minutes this time please.
    Best wishes

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The Next Axia PDSG12th March 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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