Diagnostic Procedure

We welcome referrals from a range of sources including health professionals, service providers, commissioners, private healthcare referrals and self-referrals. Upon receipt of the referral or enquiry an appointment is allocated to the appropriate clinician based on the skills of our clinicians and patient requirements. An appointment pack is then issued (which can be sent by email or post) and includes our detailed developmental history questionnaire for completion prior to the appointment.

For children assessed by our service, all appointments are multidisciplinary in accordance with NICE Guidelines.

For adults assessed by our service, we ensure all aspects of the specialist neurodevelopmental assessment are discussed, and inform individuals of support available locally, charities and of our monthly post-diagnostic support group.

Please find detailed below the basic diagnostic procedure followed by Axia ASD Ltd:

  • Completion of questionnaire

  • Liaison with Axia ASD Ltd’s Admin Team and client/client’s family for any further information required and support through diagnostic process

  • Two hour interview/assessment – with the Diagnostician, client and client’s family

  • Fully detailed assessment report after assessment has taken place with copies sent to relevant health professionals, GP and client and any other person requested to have sight of report

  • Our diagnostic reports also include recommendations for further investigations, forward referrals, for example, assessment for Irlen Syndrome, genetic testing, etc as well as recommendations for further support, psycho-education or psychological intervention.

  • Post-diagnostic literature including book references, leaflets, coping strategies, websites/forums, etc.

  • Signpost to local support services, charities and our monthly post-diagnostic support group.

The Next Axia PDSG23rd April 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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