EHC assessment in England – NAS

Assessment of Education, Health and Care needs in England

This information looks at how autistic children and young people might receive support for their special educational needs (SEN) at nursery, school and college

Most children’s needs can be met by their school or education setting, with the help of outside specialists sometimes needed. However, in some cases the local authority will be asked to make an assessment of a child’s Education, Health and Care needs (an EHC needs assessment). After the EHC needs assessment, if the authority decides that a child or young person needs special help which is greater than can be provided by the school’s resources, they must prepare an Education, Health and Care plan .

The plan describes all the child’s needs, and details the specialist help and provision required to meet them. Education, Health and Care plans can be issued to children and young people from ages 0-25 years, if the young person remains in some form of education or training. Students going to university will not be eligible for a plan.

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