How Neurodiverse Couples make sense of their Couples Therapy – Research

An Interpretative Phenomenological Study of how Neurodiverse Couples make sense of their Subjective Experiences within Couples Therapy

We have been contacted by Camilla Anello, Trainee Counselling Psychologist at Regent’s University London, with regard to her doctoral research on the experience of neurodiverse couples who have received couples therapy.

The outcome will be to provide recommendations for psychotherapy and counselling practice regarding couples therapy for neurodiverse couples, based on the experiences of both partners.

The research requires couples who:

  • Are 18 years old or older
  • Speak English
  • Are neurodiverse, where one person self-identifies as autistic and the other being neurotypical
  • Have attended at least one couples therapy session together 

This study is relevant for individuals with or without a diagnosis.

Both partners will be interviewed together via the platforms of Zoom or Skype due to the current pandemic situation and government restrictions. The interview will last approximately an hour and half.

If you would like more information about this study or would like to take part, please contact Camilla Anello at

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