How Salfordautism is supporting the community

By Lauren Lomax on 29th November 2018
in Community, News, Regional News

With recent headlines focussing on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) after Anne Hegerty entered the I’m A Celebrity jungle, we speak to Peter Baimbridge, from Salfordautism, about this and how they offer support to anybody affected by autism.

The National Autistic Society (NAS) describes autism as “a lifelong developmental disability that affects how people perceive the world and interact with others.”

For the 700,000 people in the UK who are autistic, this changes how they process information and their sensory experiences – affecting how they see, hear, feel and understand the world around them.

Autism is a ‘spectrum disorder’, meaning it has many different aspects. Some of the key features of ASD include: persistent difficulties in social communication, interaction and processing, sensory processing and repetitive patterns of behaviour.

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