How to Submit User Content

Submitting a “Guest Review” to Calvin

The Axia Film Society have been encouraging and welcoming “Guest Reviews” from January this year to post on this site. It’s very simple, you can send an email to Attach your review in a Word Document to the email along with your name and what film you are reviewing.

We cannot accept anonymous reviews in the context of the email, though we will leave your name off the review if you request that. It can be anything you like, it doesn’t have to be a current cinema film, and it doesn’t have to be out that year. It can honestly, be anything you like – even a film I have previously reviewed! Send your review, your discussion or even a “top ten list” if you like. We will accept anything and we will try to not refuse anything.

Alternative Submission of Guest Content

Recently Axia-ASD have also expanded this idea to include other “User” or “Guest” Content, including book reviews and “YouTube Creations” users wish to share. For example this from Neve…

You can email web.admin to send a review or a link to your “Creation”.

The Next Axia PDSG23rd April 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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Submit your own "Reviews" or "Guest Content" by clicking on the icon, or click here.
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