LDT – I am not autistic when I am making.

Learning Disability Today
12th February 2018
‘I am not autistic when I am making. I am me: creative, imaginative.’
Manchester College’s Artist in Residence Grace Igoe talks about expressing herself and autism through her work and the barriers and stigma she has overcome.
LDT: What does your art express?
Grace Igoe: My ceramic work aims to communicate and show awareness of the autistic condition. I use the form of human heads in my work because facial features are a vehicle for expression; the face tells us most about an individual’s mood, personality and state of mind. The use and application of colour, pattern and surface treatment reinforces these ideas.
“I would like to highlight the beauty that comes within the condition.”

Through this I explore common traits and behaviours, such as difficulty expressing emotion, struggling managing changes and strong senses of not fitting within self or society. These issues are expressed through ideas of fragmentation, fracturing and dilemmas associated with touch and handling.

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