May PDSG Presentation with Pete Wharmby

Many thanks to our guest speaker at Wednesday’s Post-Diagnostic Support Group, Pete Wharmby. Pete’s presentation was based around “The importance of Special Interests” in the Autistic community. The talk was quite interactive and very well received!

For those unable to attend our PDSG, the recording is available below.

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4 comments on “May PDSG Presentation with Pete Wharmby
  1. Senor says:

    As a language teacher who figured it out finally at about the time of my retirement, I am naturally rather interested in mentoring younger people with similar issues to myself. I am also very convinced of the power of ND to ND communication and cooperation, but I am unfortunately stuck in a place overseas where ND adults are actively discouraged from any discussion of their condition. I obviously need to take some more drastic action to escape from this Catch 22 situation. Such a shame, as there are undoubtedly plenty of ND people here. When I review my past in the UK, it is now obvious to me that I have also known many unidentified NDs in the past, and I was quite capable of getting on with them.

  2. Senor says:

    Very appropriate to my own and many other’s situations. A big thanks to Pete and the entire Axia team for bringing us this. And your intended follow ups also look highly motivational.

  3. Helen Jones says:

    I want to add my thanks also to Axia and to Pete.
    The presentation was captivating and thought provoking.
    I’m currently reading Pete’s second book titled “Untypical” and enjoying it very much.
    He writes as well as he speaks and I’m getting a lot out of it.

  4. Linda Buchan says:

    We hope Pete will come back to us next year
    The Axia Collective also discussed as promised at PDSG why/is there
    A strong interest in collecting miniatures
    We looked at Central Coherence Perfectionism amongst other things and sent a reply back to Pete

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The Next Axia PDSG23rd April 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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