NHS London meeting 2018

Learning disability and autism – 10 year planning meeting

10.30 till 3.00pm
September 18th 2018

Holiday Inn, London Regents Park, Carburton Street, London, W1W 5EE


NHS England and Learning Disability England would like to thank you for attending Learning disability and autism – 10 year planning meeting.

Please find attached the final core presentation used at the event (HERE).

We would also like to ask you to please complete a 5 question feedback form to let us know what you thought of the event: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LDELondon

We are sorry we missed some of you at the event, we hope the information below will provide you with a forum to participate.

Remember NHS England have set up other ways of contributing:

A discussion guide on developing the long term plan for the NHS, is available from NHS England. This guide is also available in easy read. The guide is intended to help stimulate ideas on three key themes – life stage, clinical priorities and enablers of improvement.

It highlights some of the key challenges and some questions that NHS England would encourage you to answer through their online feedback form.

You may choose to provide responses for every topic, or just the ones that are important to you or the group you work with feedback needs to be submitted by Thursday 30th September 2018.

NHS England ask that you fully complete the first page of the survey so that they know who they have heard from. If you have any questions, please email Long Term Plan Engagement Team: england.ltp@nhs.net

We truly appreciate your time and effort invested to participate in this important work.

With kind regards,

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