North Wales “2nd Annual Autism Conference” this Friday

We just wanted to remind people of the North Wales Conference this coming Friday which we will be attending. Tickets are still available by clicking the image below.

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2 comments on “North Wales “2nd Annual Autism Conference” this Friday
  1. ronnie says:

    Can you give more warning and Publicity to next years North Wales Conference please as I am interested in attending but it does need to be plenty of advance warning. If you have the dates for next years North Wales Conference then please post it on this page A S P.
    I would like to put my name forward for future Conferences involving Autism to be booked to give a Talk on my Life with Aspergers Syndrome, I don’t care if it means waiting a Year or more, I am prepared to wait while the preparation and Planning is made for future meatings. This I think would be a useful contribution to the future Conferences to have me a bona fide Aspergers Syndrome Person giving a Talk on my life experience with Aspersgers Syndrome. I may be 55years of age with Cancer albeit confident and expecting to survive my present Cancer, but I have the enthusiasm of a Teenager to give Life with Aspergers Syndrome Talks.
    I will be away for a couple of weeks so will miss the minutes of the Wednesday group meeting.

  2. Linda Buchan says:

    We have shared the information as soon as we received it
    There will be one next year
    You will be pleased to hear that there were many speakers who defined themselves as Autistic

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