North West Autism Event – Preston

A collaborative event for North West commissioners of services for people with autism

Event information

This autism event has been arranged in partnership with Regional North NHS England team and the North East and Cumbria Transforming Care Partnership. The event is open to people with autism, their families and carers and commissioners and professionals from Lancashire, Greater Manchester, Cheshire and Merseyside. A similar event will be planned for a future date for the North East. The aim of the event is to support the development of the community model, for people with autism, who may or may not have learning disabilities. The agenda is set to explore the complexities of autism, within transforming care agenda and the autism strategy.

If you have not already heard about this event, you may need to move fast if you want to go. As of yesterday, it is already 85% full from Lancashire.

Click the button below to take you to the Registration Page (or HERE) and use ‘Autism2016‘ as the password.

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3 comments on “North West Autism Event – Preston
  1. ronnie says:

    Why such short warning it’s to late to consider, have just spent a week looking after 4 of my Niece’s Dogs and at that time of the conference, I’m due to look after my nieces Dogs again. And this week I’m taking a weeks holiday, so it’s not convenient to attempt to attend this Conference at such short notice.

    • Dream says:

      Hi Ronnie,

      I know what you mean about “short notice”, however my understanding is that this post was a result of an email originating from “NHS England” and forwarded on to others, who then sent it to Axia which made them/us aware of it.

      Axia post “News” and “Events” items as early as possible, and I do my best to be on hand most hours to facilitate this “in a timely fashion” (so usually within a couple of hours of being notified).

      On a side note, I’m glad you managed to stay for the last P-D.S.G. I thought it appeared you may have found it rather difficult (as did I) and a significant change to our “usual” format, but your contribution in the discussion about the “difficulties experienced with ageing” I resonated with very much, contrary to the argument put forward that it becomes “easier” when one gets older.

      Anywayz, nice seeing you Ronnie, lets keep up our 100% attendance record!!!

      Safe journeys,

  2. Ronnie. says:

    Hi Dream,
    Thank you for the reply and explanation which i understand and sorry for the late reply.Have only just read this and was away last week.
    You were right like you i did find it rather difficult the significant change to the usual format.Thank you for the support at the meeting over getting more difficult with ageing rather than getting easier when getting older.
    Nice seeing you Dream and will try to keep up the 100% Attendance record.
    Best wishes Ronnie.

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The Next Axia PDSG23rd April 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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