NOTICE: Central and Eastern Cheshire Primary Care Trust

Potential Changes to Diagnostic Pathway

We felt it important to share with you that we have been served notice on the outdated contract held with the previous Central and Eastern Cheshire Primary Care Trust.

The termination date of this contract is 21 October 2017 and therefore should you wish to access a diagnosis with our service or post-diagnostic support I would advise you seek a referral from your GP prior to this date to ensure you will be seen by Axia ASD Ltd.

We are currently unclear as to the arrangements after this date but will of course keep the website updated with any new and relevant information.

Carly Bailey
Operational Manager
Axia ASD Ltd.

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6 comments on “NOTICE: Central and Eastern Cheshire Primary Care Trust
  1. Peter Charles Johnson says:

    Can you please clarify for me:

    re. your post about termination of contract.

    I was diagnosed with ASD by you in April 2017, if I remember correctly, and have been attending your monthly PDSG.

    Will I still be able to attend the PDSG or do I have to see my GP and ask for a referral?

  2. Carly Bailey says:

    Hi Peter

    Thank you for your comment.

    I can confirm that our monthly Post-Diagnostic Support Group will continue to be available for adults aged 16 and above who have accessed our service at no cost to the individual or the GP.

    Kind Regards


  3. Helen says:

    This is very worrying, for everyone.
    I feel very concerned for all the Wonderful Axia team, and also for the people like myself, who have been incredibly fortunate to have been diagnosed by Linda and her special team, and continue to lean on their support network.
    With my kindest regards.

  4. Linda Buchan says:

    The axia family are all fine
    Looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday

  5. KMH says:


    This may be because Central and Eastern Cheshire Primary Care no longer exists. Last October the commission groups split the trust. East commissioning group have East Cheshire NHS. South and Vale Royal commissioning groups have Central Cheshire Integrated Care Partnership Trust. I would imagine that all contracts need to be renegotiated because of this.

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The Next Axia PDSG23rd April 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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