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ADHD Living Without Brakes
Author: Martin L. Kutscher
  • Assistant clinical professor in the department of Paediatrics and Neurology of New York Medical college in Valhalla, NY.
  • Board Certified in Paediatrics
Target area of book:
A clear source of information for both parents and professionals discussing the spectrum of ADHD, the co-occurring symptoms and common difficulties that parents face. It also provides solutions based around four rules:
  • Keep it positive
  • Keep it calm
  • Keep it organised
  • Keep doing rules
Layout of book:
Divided into chapters which include small illustrations and checklists.

Understanding A.D.H.D- A parent’s guide to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children
Author: Dr Christopher Green
  • Best-selling author of parenting guidebooks
  • Australian paediatrician
Author: Dr Kit Chee
  • Paediatrician that has a practice located in Edgecliff.
Target area of book:
Targets the cause and effects of ADHD and provides well-tried practical strategies to help with common problems such as inattention, impulsiveness and underachievement.
Layout of book:

Split into 26 small readable chapters focusing on a range of topics including ‘The modern view of ADHD’ and ‘Debunking the Myths’. Includes several illustrations and summary boxes to help summarise the content.

What Causes ADHD?: Understanding What Goes Wrong and Why
Author: Joel T. Nigg
  • Licensed clinical psychologist
  • Active scientist in the department of Psychology at Michigan State University
Target area of book:

Discusses the multiple pathways that Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder develops by looking at the physiological functioning of a symptomatic child’s brain and causal influences of genetic, neural and environmental factors.
Layout of book:
Each chapter is further divided into smaller sections such as neural pathways and motor, control and timing. Mainly large bodies of text with figures and tables included.

Adjustments for individuals with cognitive differences within the workplace and schools

Autism Equality in the Workplace
Author: Janine Booth
  • Co-chair of the TUC disabled workers committee
  • Training events for the workers educational association and for trade union
  • Autistic herself and an advertisement for Autism in the workplace
Target area of book:
Looks into how the workplace can be modified to embrace autistic individuals in a positive way. Highlights common challenges and the strategies/solutions needed to help overcome them.
Layout of book:
Contains 5 chapters that mainly focus into:
10 barriers in the way of autistic workers
Removing these barriers
Legal laws

Teacher education and Autism (research based practical book)
Editor: Clare Lawrence
  • PhD in autism education
  • Works as senior lecturer in teacher development at Bishop Grosseteste University
  • Mother of an autistic child
Target area of book:
Provides a framework for effective training around autism. Covers key training strategies, practical activities and discussion points to focus on how autism effects pupils and their education.
Layout of book:
Divided into short chapters, each produced by a different author.

Collaboration approaches to learning for pupils with PDA
Author: Ruth Fidler
  • Ruth Fidler is Assistant Head Teacher at Sutherland House School run by the autism charity NORSACA
  • Education Consultant specialising in complex autism, Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA), interactive approaches and emotional well being
Author: Phil Christie
  • Consultant Child Psychologist
  • Director of Children’s Services, Elizabeth Newson Centre
Target area of book:
Provides an overview on PDA and how collaborative learning approaches along with PDA-friendly learning environments can overcome common challenges.
Layout of book:
Chapters focusing into key areas such as understanding PDA, Key Strategies and collaborative approaches.

Teaching Pre-employment skills to 14-17 year olds
Authors: Joanne Lara and Susan Osborne
Foreword by Temple Grandin
  • Authors are both Directors of Autism Works Now!
  • Dr. Grandin is a prominent author and speaker on both Autism and animal behaviour.
Target area of book:
Aimed at 14-17 year olds to develop transition skills for getting a meaningful job. Covers essential topics such as organisation, interview skills, appropriate workplace attire, networking and arranging work experience.
Layout of book:
Chapter based with an informative style.

The Neurodiverse Classroom
Author: Victoria Honeybourne
  • Writer, trainer and senior advisory teacher in the field of special educational needs
Target area of book:
Guide for teachers to create inclusive and successful learning environments in diverse classrooms. Focuses on how to make good use of simple resources and promote acceptance of learning difficulties.
Layout of book:
Clear concise chapters that deliver examples of strategies and why they work.

Maths learning difficulties, dyslexia and dyscalculia
Author: Steve Chinn
  • Independent consultant, researcher and internationally renowned author.
  • Delivers training courses for psychologists, teachers, parents and support assistants
Target area of book:
An accessible maths guide that uses visual strategies and tailored techniques to help parents and teachers support children with special learning disabilities.
Layout of book:
Contains explanations and examples within each chapter. Each chapter focuses on a key area of maths e.g. Addition and Subtraction, two-digit numbers.

Special Needs and Legal Entitlement: The Essential Guide to Getting out of the Maze
Author: Melinda Nettleton
  • Principal Solicitor at SEN Legal Ltd
Target area of book:
Simplifies and explains the legal rights of children and young people with special educational needs. This book focuses in on the new Education, Health and Care Plans and discusses encounterable problems.
Layout of book:
Divided into Chapters that each discuss a different area of legal rights. Covers annual reviews, amendments, tribunals work in practice and also describes how assessments are carried out

Managing Asperger syndrome at College and University
Author: Claire Jamieson
  • Claire Jamieson is a tutor at University College London and chair of the UCL Committee for People with Disabilities.
Author: Juliet Jamieson
  • Juliet Jamieson is a Speech and Language Therapist, specialising in ASD and coordinating mentor for students with AS at University College London.
Target area of book:
Focuses on student’s life for people with Asperger Syndrome. It gives advice based on sound knowledge of theory to produce practical steps that the individual can take to achieve a successful university experience.
Layout of book:
Includes a CD within book. Readable chapters that focus on the key areas such as social, legal rights, living away from home

Simple Autism Strategies for Home and School
Author: Sarah Cobbe
  • Work in the field of Autism for more than 20 years
  • Involved with teaching children, advising in schools and nurseries, writing handbooks and delivering training
Target area of book:
Unique overview of a child’s point of view of life with Autism, ranging from everyday situations such as toilet training to homework. This is a great guide for parents and teachers.
Layout of book:
36 Chapters that include poems, writing and bullet points to explain key strategies to help improve daily activities.

Alcoholism, depression, Anorexia nervosa and other disorders

Drinking Drug Use and Addiction in the Autism Community
Author: Elizabeth Kunreuther
  • Clinical instructor at the university of North Carolina’s Addiction detox unit
Author: Ann Palmer
  • Faculty member of the Carolina Institute for developmental disabilities at the university of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Target area of book:
Brings together current research and personal accounts from individuals with Autism and those who support them. In addition, it looks at how addiction and Autism affect one another whilst providing strategies for supporting people with both ASD and SUD (Substance Use Disorder).
Layout of book:
7 detailed chapters: from what ASD and SUD are to screening, treatment and prevention.

Asperger Syndrome and Alcohol
Author: Matthew Tinsley
  • his addiction.
  • Aims to spread awareness of the problems faced by those with Asperger’s Syndrome
Author: Sarah Hendrickx
  • Training manager of an adult AS support group and a freelance consultant in AS in the UK
  • Author of several other books e.g. Love, Sex and Long-term Relationships
Target area of book:
Discusses an overview of ASD and of alcohol abuse in terms of how they overlap and the link between them. This is done through both a professional outlook and by drawing on their own personal experiences.
Layout of book:
7 Chapters written in a series of paragraphs, bullet points and key point sections. Chapters include topics such as employment, drinking and the workplace

Overcoming Anxiety and Depression on the Autistic Spectrum
Author: Lee. A. Wilkinson
  • Applied researcher and practitioner
  • Certified and licensed School Psychologist, Chartered Psychologist, Registered Educational
  • Psychologist and certified Cognitive Behavioural Therapist.
Target area of book:
Helping those diagnosed with Autism to understand their feelings of isolation, anxiety, depressed moods and coping problems. It provides and insight into how CBT and other therapies have helped improve cognitive wellbeing, whilst also delving into other practical ways to manage their emotions.
Layout of book:
Divided into 7 chapters, including a lot of tables and figures. Towards the end of the book there are tests that the reader can carry out.

Exploring Depression and Beating the Blues
Author: Michelle Garnett
  • Clinical Psychologist and founder/director of Minds & Hearts: A specialist clinic for Asperger’s Syndrome and Autism
  • Specialised in ASD for the past 20 years, created the first screening instrument for Asperger’s syndrome
Author: Tony Attwood
  • Clinical Psychologist from Brisbane, Australia with over 30 years of experience with individuals with ASD
  • Professor at Griffith University in Queensland
Target area of book:
Self-help guide that explains the forms of depression in ASD individuals and how to adapt coping strategies based on the latest thinking and research (CBT self-help programmes)
Layout of book:
Part 1 is purely detailed reading (52 pages). Part 2 of the book is a Q/A format where pieces of text encourage the reader to input their own answers.

Eating Disorders and the Brain
Editor: Bryan Lask
  • Hon Consultant and Emeritus Professor of Child and Adolescent’s Psychiatry at Great Ormond Street Hospital for children.
Editor: Ian Frampton
  • Hon Consultant Psychologist at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children
Target area of book:
Focuses on the neuroscience underlying eating disorders and the implications it has when corresponding with clinical applications
Layout of book:
Scientifically rich with detailed chapters disclosing both clinical and biological applications

Autism & Relationships

Love, Sex and Long-Term Relationships: What People with Asperger Syndrome Really Really Want
Author: Sarah Hendrickx
  • Training manager at Aspire (offering training for organisations)
  • Freelance trainer and consultant in Autistic spectrum conditions
  • Partner and her both diagnosed with Autism
Target area of book:
Explores sexual relationships, sexual identity and the needs/ wants of an autistic individual within a developing relationship. All provided from extensive research with people on the autistic spectrum.
Layout of book:
Chapter divided into specific topics which include:
Finding a partner
Love and intimacy
Stats of sex
Gender identity and sexuality
Infidelity and appropriate behaviour
Contains segments of real conversations

Sex and the single Aspie
Author: Artemisia
  • A writer, speaker, AS consultant and has Aspergers syndrome
Target area of book:
Covers sexuality for women on the autistic spectrum. Provides an insight into relationship boundaries, ethics/ self-understanding and how to stay safe sexually.
Layout of book:
Divided into chapters following the journey of Artemisia through her experiences. Provides key ‘rules’ in each chapter to summarise key points to take away from each experience.

Gender Identity, Sexuality and Autism: Voices from Across the Spectrum
Authors: Eva A. Mendes & Meredith r. Maroney
  • Eva Mendes is a couples’ counsellor working with couples where one or both partners have Asperger Syndrome, Autism Spectrum profiles and ADHD
Target area of book:
Focuses on the fluidity within gender identity, sexual orientation and neurodiversity through individuals accounts on the autistic spectrum. Comprises of interviews which discuss themes and implications surrounding the issues.
Layout of book:
Divided into three parts:
1. Covers terminology, gender identity and autism
2. Comprises of the viewpoint of 15 individuals, 4 from a parent perspective
3. Common themes, acceptance

Love, Partnership, or Singleton on the Autism Spectrum (Insider Intelligence)
Editors: Luke Beardon (phD) and Dean Worton
  • Dr Luke Beardon is a Senior Lecturer in Autism at Sheffield Hallam University and has over 20 years experience of providing support and consultancy in the field of Autism.
Target area of book:
True life reflections from 26 authors with autism about love, marriage and single life
Layout of book:
Each chapter is written by a different author looking into themes from building and maintaining a relationship to the progression of self.

When young people with intellectual disabilities and Autism hit puberty
Authors: Freddy Jackson Brown and Sarah Brown
  • Dr Freddy Jackson Brown is a Chartered clinical psychologist with over 20 years experience working with children and families
  • Uses child centred practice which focuses on helping individuals learn the communication and everyday living skills needed to live a more independent and fulfilling life.
Target of book:
Concentrates on the areas of puberty that any parent struggles to discuss with their child. Aids as a practical guide by answering questions about puberty when raising a child with autism or intellectual disabilities.
Layout of book:
Each chapter focuses on a different topic surrounding behaviour, bodies and feelings. There are examples, definitions and personal guidance on ‘what to do.’

Sexual Health and Relationship skills
Author: Jonna Oksanen
  • Works as a specialist for the Autism Foundation of Finland
Target of book:
A clear guide on sexuality, sex, friendships and building romantic relationships when on the autistic spectrum. Puberty is also discussed.
Layout of book:
Divided into chapters with different topics such as human body changes and relationships. It follows more of an information book style with pictures and definitions. There is little discussion with information being presented in a straight to the point manner.

Asperger Syndrome – A love story
Author: Sarah Hendrickx and Keith Newton
  • Sarah works with adults with Asperger’s syndrome. Both Sarah and Keith give talks and support to professionals and people interested in Asperger’s syndrome relationships.
Target area of book:
Discusses how a mutual understanding and acceptance with AS can help lead a relationship in a positive direction. The adopted constructive strategies help lead to a more satisfying relationship for both parties.
Layout of book:
12 chapters written from the point of view of both Keith and Sarah

Autism in Older Generation

Asperger Syndrome and Employment

Author: Sarah Hendrickx
  • Training manager at Aspire
  • Freelance trainer and consultant in autistic spectrum conditions
  • Author of many books e.g. Adult Neuro-diversity handbook
  • Her husband and herself have been diagnosed on the autistic spectrum
Target of book:
Focuses on the challenges and expectations of employment for individuals on the autistic spectrum
Layout of the book:
Divided into chapters on different topics. Provided interview answers from individuals with a diagnosis of autism to explore different challenges they have faced.

The Adolescent and Adult Neuro-diversity Handbook

Author: Sarah Hendrickx
  • Training manager at Aspire
  • Freelance trainer and consultant in autistic spectrum conditions
  • Author of many books e.g. Love, sex and long term relationships: what people on the spectrum really want
  • Her husband and herself have been diagnosed on the autistic spectrum
Target area of book:
Exploring different neurological differences (Tourette’s, ADHD, OCD, Dyspraxia and Autistic Spectrum Disorder) and how to gain support to manage them in adolescence.
Layout of book:
Follows a very systematic layout with each chapter focusing on a different condition.
Each condition is explored through the history, current thinking, diagnosis and therapy/support with a positive outlook to finish.

Autism Spectrum Disorder in Mid and Later Life
Editor: Scott D. Wright, PhD
  • Associate professor in the Gerontology interdisciplinary Programme at the university of Utah.
  • Research interest is in autism across the life course with a gerontological focus
Target area of book:
Focuses on the broad range of issues such as healthcare, housing, rights , social policy, importance of relationships etc that people with autism will face in mid and later life.
Layout of book:
Contains a high level of detail about the biology of autism which is combined with clinical perspective and personal feedback.
Includes chapters such as:
The Biosystem
The microsystem
The macrosystem

Very late diagnosis of Aspergers Syndrome (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
Author: Philip Wylie
  • Diagnosed with Asperger syndrome at 51
  • Began personal study of psychology and complementary healing practises in Thailand
Target of book:
Discusses the process, pros/cons and after-effects of receiving and autism diagnosis in adulthood
Layout of book:
Contains case studies which aids the practical guidance. Covers a range of topics

Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for Adult Asperger Syndrome
Author: Valerie L. Gaus
  • Practising Cognitve-Behavioural Therapist serving adults and adolescents with dual diagnosis.
  • Maintained a private practice on Long island, New York
  • Founding board member of the New York Metro Chapter of the national Association for the dually diagnosed
Target area of book:
Thoroughly describes AS and its manifestation in adulthood. It also discusses the wide variety of symptom profiles and the use of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for conducting assessments.
Layout of book:
Divided into 10 chapters based on definitions, arising problems and treatment. Very detailed with statistical tables included.

Children/Adolescent’s with Cognitive Disorders

How to talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen so Kids Will Talk
Authors: Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish
  • Their first book “Liberated Parents/Liberated Children” received the Christopher Award for ‘literacy achievement affirming the highest value of human spirit’
  • Both former members of the faculty of the New School for Social Research in New York
Target area of book:
Provides step by step techniques to help improve and enrich your relationship with your children by learning key skills such as coping with negative feelings, breaking up patterns of arguments and resolving conflicts peacefully.
Layout of book:
A combination of cartoon picture boards, written paragraphs and Question/ Answer sections.

Sulky Rowdy Rude?
Author: Bo Hejlskov Elvén
  • Clinical Psychologist based in Sweden
  • Independent consultant and lecturer on Autism and challenging behaviour
Author: Tina Wiman
  • Specialists in the field of IT support or children with special needs
Target area of book:
Discusses how parents can create consistent and effective structures, methods and responses so that children can learn for themselves how to practice self-control and cooperation in a secure environment where they both belong and have autonomy.
Layout of book:
16 readable chapters that include paragraphs with black and white images to support text.

No More Meltdowns
Author: Jed Baker
  • Behavioural Consultant for several New Jersey school districts where he organised a group to help children with social communication problems.
Target area of book:
Follows a 4-step model that will improve your everyday relationships with the children in your life. It focuses of managing your own emotions by adjusting your expectations, learning strategies to calm a meltdown in the moment, understanding why a meltdown occurs and creating plans to prevent future meltdowns.
Layout of book:
Divided into 11 chapters that have a mixture of paragraphs, diagrams and summary boxes that help break up the text when reading

Autism and Asperger Syndrome in Children
Author: Dr Luke Beardon
  • Member of staff in the Autism Centre at Sheffield Hallam University
  • Practitioner providing support and consultancy in the field of Autism and
    Asperger syndrome for around 20 years
Target area of book:
An easy-to-read introduction for those encountering Autism for the first time. It guides you through the issues you might face, busting the myths around Autism and Asperger’s whilst explaining the what the diagnosis means for your child.
Layout of book:
9 chapters that are split further into concise categories discussing a number of issues such as Autism as a spectrum and social hangovers.

Working in Partnership: The Family Partnership Model
Author: Hilton Davis
  • Clinical Psychologist for most of his career with families of children with problems across the range of disabilities, serious physical illnesses and psychological difficulties
Author: Crispin Day
  • Head of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Research Unit, King’s college London, UK.
Target area of book:
Key aim of this book is to help parents by educating and practising the Family Partnership Model. It is a conceptual framework developed to enable practitioners to communicate effectively and provide family- centred support for children with disabilities and chronic illnesses.
Layout of book:
Divided into 14 chapters that provide detailed information, ideally for parents.

Working in Partnership with Parents: The Parent Adviser Model
Author: Hilton Davis
  • Clinical Psychologist for most of his career with families of children with problems across the range of disabilities, serious physical illnesses and psychological difficulties
Author: Crispin Day
  • Head of Child and Adolescent mental Health Services Research Unit, King’s College London, UK.
Author: Christine Bidmead
  • Co-founder and long term Chair of the CPHVA’S parenting and family support interest group.
Target area of book:
Aimed to be read by anyone involved or working with children. It focuses on the crucial role that parents play within The Partnership Model and how it works within modern day systems.
Layout of book:
Divided into 16 chapters that are heavily detailed: ideal for parents and clinical workers.

Kids in the Syndrome Mix of ADHD, LD, Autism Spectrum, Tourette’s, Anxiety and more!
Author: Martin L. Kutscher with contributions from Tony Attwood and Robert R. Wolff
  • Paediatric neurologist with more than 25 years’ experience of diagnosing neuropsychiatric disorders such as ADHD, learning difficulty, autism spectrum and tic disorders.
Target area of book:
An accessible up-to-date book about different cognitive disorders such as ADHD, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Anxiety and Autism Spectrum Disorder. It covers information regarding causes, symptoms, treatments, medications and interactions with other conditions.
Layout of book:
Each one of the 14 chapters is dedicated to either a different cognitive disorder or a key area of diagnosis. There is a large volume of detail that is set into paragraphs.

Counselling Parents of Children with Chronic Illness or Disability
Author: Hilton Davis
  • A Chartered Clinical Psychologist, Head of Child and Adolescent Psychology Services and Lewisham Trust
Target area of book:
Aims to address the psychosocial needs of the family as a whole when a chronic childhood disease/disability has been diagnosed. It discusses the way that medical staff and carers can relate to parents in a way to facilitate the adaption to their child’s needs, therefore, improving the patient’s wellbeing.
Layout of book:
7 chapters that further divided into smaller sections. There is a large amount of information included that is presented through paragraphs, bullet points and various checklists.

A Parents’ ABC of the Autism Spectrum
Author: Stephen Heydt
  • Has worked as a clinician in Australia and internationally since 1981
  • He now runs Healthy Minds, a specialist Clinical Psychology practice in Brisbane, Australia
Target area of book:
An easy-to-use alphabetical categorisation of the possible issues a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may encounter.
Layout of book:
Arranged alphabetically with in depth information given about each issue. There are a few diagrams displayed through certain chapters.

The Parent’s Practical Guide to Resilience for Preteens and Teenagers on the Autism Spectrum services
Author: Jeanette Purkis
  • Has experience of Autism and is the author of several books looking at aspects of Autism
Author: Dr Emma Goodall
  • Has Asperger’s Syndrome and has professional experience of mental health
Target area of book:
Aimed at helping parents of adolescents aged between 11-20 years that have ASD. It discusses how to build resilience and independence for situations such as negotiating sexuality and relationships, entering employment or living away from home.
Layout of book:
Contains 6 chapters that are heavily broken down with suggestions and simple activities.

The Incredible Years
Author: Carolyn Webster-Stratton
  • Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Professor and Director of the Parenting Clinic at the University of Washington
  • She is the recipient of the prestigious National Mental Health Research Scientist
Target area of book:
Provides parents with guidelines not only to help prevent behaviour problems from occurring but also with strategies to promote children’s social, emotional and academic competence.
Layout of book:
Divided into 15 chapters that included a large amount of texts with a few cartoon diagrams to support text.

Working with Parents: Frameworks for Collaboration
Author: Cliff Cunningham
  • Appointed Professor of Applied Psychology in the Department of Mental Handicap, Queen’s Medical Uni.
Author: Hilton Davis
  • Senior lecture in Clinical Psychology at the London Hospital Medical College.
Target area of book:
Provides guidance to elaborate the necessary frameworks and relevant skills to help professionals to work more harmoniously and effectively with parents.
Layout of book:
Divided into 8 chapters that include a large amount of information and a couple of scientific diagrams.

More than Words
Author: Fern Sussman
  • Speech-language Pathologist and Clinical Program Director at The Hanen Centre, a Canadian non- profit charitable organisation.
  • Extensive experience in working with families of young children on the Autistic Spectrum
  • Developed two Hanen Programmes
Target area of book:
Offers practical, research-based strategies to promote the social and communication development of young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder or other social communication difficulties.
Layout of book:
Divided into 12 chapters that focus on different areas of development. A large amount of the book involves coloured drawings that are supported by small pieces of text.

Children’s books on different cognitive differences

Vera McLuckie and the Daydream Club
Author: Jane Evans
  • Diagnosed with Autism
  • Post-graduate qualification in autism and primary educational studies degree
Target area of book:
Based on the main character called ‘Vera’ who struggles to enjoy and progress in school. It shows her journey into channelling her attention and creativity to achieve great school/social successes.
Layout of book:
Written in 3rd person with occasional inserts from Vera’s point of view. Divided into readable sized chapters.

The Geeky Chef Cookbook
Author: Cassandra Reeder
  • Author, avid home cook and a lifetime geek
Target area of book:
A cookbook designed to incorporate all the popular TV shows and movies (Game of Thrones, The Hunger Games, Star Trek etc) into new and wonderful recipes for everyone to try.
Layout of book:
Each page is designated to a different dish. A recipe, summary of the origin of the dish and a photo of the finished product is included with each dish.

You can’t do that
Author: Sue Wood
  • Part time occupational therapist
Target area of book:
Focuses on the message of believing in your own dreams. This message is brought about through the main character ‘an elephant’ and how he wants to achieve a dream that everyone thinks is impossible.
Layout of book:
Hand drawn illustrations support the few lines of text on each page. Written in 3rd person in a story like manner.

The girl with curly hair
Author: Alis Rowe
  • Diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome
  • Writes for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Target area of book:
Presents a series of different scenarios and how communication between the Autistic and Neurotypical can arise in these situations.
Layout of book:
Each comic strip scenario is presented on one page with a clear statement of the scenario written before it.

You’re so clumsy charley
Author: Jane Binnion
  • Grew up with dyspraxia and watched her daughter do the same
Target area of book:
Follows the struggles Charley experiences as he tries to manage his poor co-ordination and overcome these struggles to realise his true strengths.
Layout of book:
Written in 3rd person with large illustrations. A few lines of writing are on each page.

The back to front world of Azzie Artbuckle
Authors: Beth Montgomery
  • She herself is dyslexic
  • Has a MA in writing from Nottingham University
Target area of book:
Follows Azzie who struggles to read letters, words and numbers (dyslexia). It highlights how understanding can help individuals achieve develop these skills without feeling inferior or ‘stupid’.
Layout of book:
Bright, colourful images contribute to the first-person style writing as it’s written from Azzie’s perspective.

It’s raining and I’m okay
Author: Adele Devine
  • Special needs teacher at a school for young people with severe learning difficulties and autism
Target area of book:
A rhyming story to help young children face unfamiliar surroundings and experiences
Layout of book:
Uses the same illustrated character throughout the book. Incorporates thought bubbles into pictures to relate pictures to emotions.

The Green-eyed Goblin
Author: K.I. AI-Ghani
  • Specialist Advisory Teacher, University Lecturer, Autism Spectrum Specialist and international Author
  • Writes with her son who has High functioning Autism
Target area of book:
Focuses on teaching children to learn to control jealousy including those on the autistic spectrum. Uses a ‘green-eyed monster’ as a metaphor for when jealousy arrives to relate to children.
Layout of book:
Hand draw illustrations provided with a paragraph of text on each page. Written in 3rd person.

How Can I Remember All That?
Author: Dr. Tracy Packiam Alloway
  • Award-winning Psychologist, Author and TEDX speaker
Target area of book:
Targets difficulties faced with working memory issues through the use of storytelling and examples.
Layout of book:
4 small chapters that include reading for both child and adult with illustrations


Creative Successful Dyslexic
Author: Margaret Rooke
  • 20 years’ experience as a writer on national newspapers and magazines, and in publishing.
  • Her daughter was diagnosed at the age of 13.
Target area of book:
Delves into 23 personal stories of success from dyslexic individuals to provide an uplifting outlook on achieving the success we all want in life.
Layout of book:
Split into 23 chapters with each designated to an individual’s story with dyslexia

The Illustrated Guide to Dyslexia and Its Amazing People
by Kate Power and Kathy Iwanczak Forsyth
  • They both work in the creative and design industries and have children with Dyslexia.
Target area of book:
Looking into what dyslexia means, how it feels, its advantages and ways to embrace it through the use of learning tools and tips.
Layout of book:
Each page contains an image with a small handful of writing. The visual stimulation is also connected to an individual and their experiences.


How Did That Happen?
Author: Dr. Linda Buchan
  • Director of Axia ASD Ltd
  • Consultant Clinical psychologist, qualified since 1978
Target area of book:
This book focuses on the diagnosis or self-identification of an individual with dyspraxia through discussing common problems, daily challenges and post-diagnostic support.
Layout of book:
Written in short readable chapters from not just the author’s point of view but also those around her. A mixture of text, images and figures shown.

Caged in Chaos
Author: Victoria Biggs
  • Learning support worker for young people with moderate to severe learning disabilities
  • Completing a doctorate at the university of Manchester, researching how storytelling can be used to support children living with war and violence
Target area of book:
A humorous self-reflection of living with dyspraxia as a teen with the input of other teen stories. It has a down- to-earth nature when discussing topics such as making friends, university, bullying etc.
Layout of book:
Divided into 11 chapters based of topics such as understanding your diagnosis. There are also small illustrations every few pages.

Living with Dyspraxia
Author: Mary Colley
  • Diagnosed with Dyspraxia, ADHD and Dyslexia in her mid-forties
  • Helped create the Dyspraxia Foundation Adult support group
Target area of book:
A resource for adults with Dyspraxia that will enable them to tackle everyday situations that many people take for granted.
Layout of book:
9 Chapters including topics such as ‘What is Developmental Dyspraxia?’ and ‘Communications and Relationships’

Ethnicity and Culture

Autism, Ethnicity and Culture
Author: Dr Prithvi Perepa
  • Lecturer in Autism
  • Project leader for the Black and Minority Ethnic Communities project at the National Autistic Society and has worked with families affected by Autism from diverse ethical backgrounds
Target area of book:
Provides professional knowledge about the issues faced for different minority communities in receiving a diagnosis, getting access to educational and social care settings, appropriateness of social skills being taught to children and misinterpretation of behaviour. It gives guidance on how best to support children and young people from these communities.
Layout of book:
Includes 5 chapters which are further divided and written in paragraph style.

White Privilege Unmasked
Author: Jude Ryde
  • Psychotherapist who works with refugees and asylum seekers and is Director for Trauma Foundation South West.
  • Worked for nearly 30 years with the Bath Centre for Psychotherapy and Counselling and the Centre of Supervision and Team Development Bath for 20 years.
Target area of book:
Examines how privilege manifests in today’s culturally diverse world. It also reflects on how well-meaning people may project unconscious bias in their everyday lives.
Layout of book:
Divided into 3 parts:
  • Facing up to white privilege
  • The effects of white privilege
  • Making personal and societal changes

Female ASD

Women and Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Author: Sarah Hendrickx
  • Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Author of six books and speaks at conferences worldwide
  • Runs Hendrickx associates, an autism and neurodiversity focused training, consultancy and support business.
Target area of book:
Focuses on women and girls on the autistic spectrum. It looks into the diagnosis process, childhood, education, adolescence, friendships, sexuality, employment, pregnancy and parenting and aging. In addition to this it discusses how autism can present itself differently in women/girls which has largely gone unreported til recently.
Layout of book:
Broken down into short readable chapters which includes both academic research and personal stories which allows for the reader to interpret and understand possibly their own experiences through the experiences of others.

Working with Girls and Young Women with an Autism Spectrum Condition
Author: Fiona Fisher Bullivant
  • Advanced specialist nurse practitioner in Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC) working for CAMHS
  • 30 years’ experience in clinical practice
Target area of book:
A guide for clinicians to help girls and young women with ASC to reach their full potential. It gives guidance on how to form a strong relationship with individuals through diagnosis, understanding, comorbidities, sensory issues, self-harm, emotional regulation, assessments, intervention and strategies.
Layout of book:
Uses several personal stories to help reflect on what clinicians have done right and wrong to date. There are 9 chapters that each focus on a different topic.

Girls and Autism
Editors: Barry Carpenter, Francesca Happé, Jo Egerton
  • Barry Carpenter was recently appointed to the UK’s first Professorship in Mental Health in Education, at Oxford Brookes University.
  • Francesca Happe is Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience and Director of the MRC Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre at the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London.
  • Jo Egerton is part-time Project Manager/Research Fellow for Beyond Words’ externally funded research into how teachers use Books Beyond Words to safeguard and support and their pupils’ social emotional and mental health.
Target area of book:
Provides a crucial insight into autistic girls’ experiences to help professionals to recognise, understand, support and teach them effectively. This book also explores why previous understandings of autism in girls has been poor or lacked research, however it also discusses how upcoming research is helping to provide new strategies to understanding autism in girls.
Layout of book:
Divided into parts which are then further dived into smaller readable section. It contains personal experiences from autistic individuals, their family members, teachers, psychologists and other professionals whilst also drawing on latest research findings.

Theories and Science Behind Autism

Author: Steve Silberman
  • Award-winning investigative reporter and has covered science and cultural affairs for ‘Wired’ and other national magazines
Target area of book:
A look back into the secret history of Autism to answer the crucial question of ‘Why have the number of diagnoses soared in recent years?’ It focuses on the earliest research and the brave and lonely journey of Autistic people and their families through the decades.
Layout of book:
12 detailed chapters that are written in paragraphs covering personal experiences in story-like fashion

Been There. Done That. Try This! An Aspie’s Guide to Life on Earth
Author: Craig. R. Evans
  • Stepfather to a son with Asperger’s Syndrome
  • And founder of the online Autism Community Hangout
Author: Tony Attwood
  • Clinical Psychologist from Brisbane
Author: Anita Lesko
  • Diagnosed with AS at age 30
Target area of book:
Offers advice and words of wisdom to help cope with daily stressors such as self-esteem, employment, friendship and love.
Layout of book:
Each of the 17 chapters targets a different key e.g. bullying, overcoming anxiety. There is a picture section to represent each one of the 17 stressors.

Autism- A New Introduction to Psychological Theory and Current Debate
Author: Francesca Happé
  • Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at King’s College London
  • President of the International Society for Autism Research and has received BPS Spearman Medal, EPS Prize and Royal Society Rosalind Franklin Award.
Author: Sue Fletcher-Watson
  • Senior research fellow at University of Edinburgh and leads the DART lab group
  • Holds certificate of excellence from Autism Rights Group Highland
Target area of book:
Provides an in-depth overview of upcoming research and how attitudes/ understanding towards Autism has changed overtime.
Layout of book:
Divided into 10 chapters that include scientific diagrams and cartoon images alongside text.

Evolutionary Psychology: A Critical Introduction
Author: Viren Swami
  • Reader in Psychology at University of Westminster
Target area of book:
Brings together seminal work from key scholars in the field to explore the way in which evolutionary psychological research can illuminate our understanding of human behaviours and nature.
Layout of book:
In-depth textbook that includes a large amount of scientific knowledge, statistical data and figures.

Autism Spectrum Disorders Through the Lifespan
Author: Digby Tantam
  • Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist in the
  • Sheffield Health Care NHS Foundation trust and emeritus at University of Sheffield
Target area of book:
Covers a wide range of neurological, genetic, psychological, developmental, social and emotional issues. This is done whilst encompassing all the latest research and providing the best clinical practice for assessment, diagnosis, treatment and support of individuals with ASD.
Layout of book:
Lots of scientific research (tables, graphs) included into this 17-chapter textbook

The Nine Degrees of Autism
Author: Philip Wylie
  • Freelance writer, researcher and independent management consultant.
Author: Wenn B. Lawson
  • Researcher, Psychologist, writer and poet with high- functioning Autism
Author: Luke Beardon
  • Senior Teacher at the Autism centre at Sheffield Hallam University UK.
Target area of book:
A tool for understanding the development process of Autism and to facilitate the improved mental health and well-being of individuals on the spectrum.
Layout of book:
11 Chapters which include a few black and white diagrams to support text. There is a high level of science within this book.

The Essential Differences – Men, Women and the Extreme Male Brain
Author: Simon Baron-Cohen
  • British Clinical Psychologist and Professor of Developmental Psychopathology at The University of Cambridge.
  • Director of the University Autism Research Centre and fellow Trinity College
Target area of book:
Focuses on the differences and outcomes of female and male brain whilst delving into the theory of the ‘Extreme Male Brain’.
Layout of book:
12 chapters that include figures to support text

Key Figures in Counselling and Psychotherapy – Carl Rogers
Author: Brian Thorne
  • Director of Student Counselling at the University of East Anglia, Norwich
  • Founder member of the Norwich Centre for personal and professional
Target area of book:
Focuses on the insights into Carl Roger’s own life and development, together with a clear exposition of his major theoretical ideas that influences America heavily.
Layout of book:
5 chapters ranging from the life of Carl Rogers to his overall influence.

Zero Degrees of Empathy
Author: Simon Baron-Cohen
  • British Clinical Psychologist and Professor of Developmental Psychopathology at The University of Cambridge.
  • Director of the University Autism Research Centre and fellow Trinity College
Target area of book:
Discusses ground-breaking research that targets the factors that cause individuals to treat others as if they were mere objects. This book focuses on the central factor empathy to understand its source and the degrees of levels that people can feel.
Layout of book:
6 chapters written in paragraphs that contain a few black/ white images

Choosing Autism Interventions
Author: Bernard Fleming
  • Information Manager at Research Autism, the only UK charity exclusively dedicated to the research into interventions in Autism
Author: The Goth (James Mason)
  • Diagnosed at 13 with high-functioning Autism
  • Works as a trainer and advocate in the autism field and produces and writes Asperger United.
Author: Elisabeth Hurley
  • Research Officer at Autism West Midlands
Target area of book:
A research-based guide that provides an evidence overview of the most commonly used interventions for children and adults with ASD
Layout of book:
Includes 4 key sections that use an array of paragraphs and bullet-points. This book has colour.

Hall of Mirrors- Shards of Clarity
Author: Phoebe Caldwell
  • Pioneered the development of communications support for individuals on the Autistic Spectrum
  • Recognised nationally in 2009 when she won the Times Sternberg Award
Target area of book:
Integrates recent neuroscience findings, sensory issues, finding a sense of self and case studies together to achieve the closing of the gap between autistic individuals and those in the Autism field.
Layout of book:
14 short chapters that focus on topics such as body language and feelings.

Difference Not Disorder
Author: Dr Catherine Harvey
  • Over 30 years’ experience teaching Primary and Secondary students, specialising in SEN and supporting children with Autism.
  • Holds a degree in Psychology and Education, and a professional doctorate from Liverpool Hope University.
Target area of book:
Explores the evolving theories on Autism and how these have impacted the interventions and outcomes in education. It looks to expose the myths around Autism and advocates for understanding Autism as difference rather than impairment.
Layout of book:
Divided into 8 chapters that are further divided heavily. Includes various black and white images to support text

The Next Axia PDSG23rd April 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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