Our Publications

We have published 3 books to date, the first two of which are available as free PDF downloads.

Mental Models of Reality
A Diatribe by Dream
I was recently asked “What’s this book about?” and it dawned on me… I don’t really know!!! My hope would be that whatever this book IS, at least some of my words within these pages will encourage, inspire or stimulate “critical thinking”. Failing that, hopefully it contains a few good “chuckles”.
I suppose a simple synopsis would be to say that this book represents a “snapshot” of my thoughts, memories and musings over an 18 day period whilst I “Question Everything”. Initially intended to be “academic argument”, but turning out more akin to “humorous polemic”.
Perhaps Luke Beardon sums it up best: “I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. Why I enjoyed reading it is less easy to articulate … If you are interested in autism, or philosophy, or ontology, or even crop circles – you will find something of interest in this book.”
Available as PAPERBACK or free digital PDF

How Did That Happen: Memoirs of a Dyspraxic Diagnostician
By Linda Buchan
I have been asked for many years to write a book. Sometimes about Dyspraxia and sometimes about how we diagnose at Axia-ASD Ltd, which we try to do in partnership with individuals, listening to them with respect, empathy and not judging them. I decided to combine the two concepts and hence “How Did That Happen: Memoires of a Dyspraxic Diagnostician”.
Available as PAPERBACK or free digital PDF

The Nerd Consultant’s Guide to Anime
By Calvin Atkinson

“The Nerd Consultant’s Guide to Anime” is a thorough and comprehensive introduction to the world of Anime.
In the words of Dr. Luke Beardon:
I have a headache. Not in a bad way – more in an absolutely blown-away, overwhelmed, sheer overload kind of a way, after having finished reading Cal’s ‘The Nerd Consultant’s Guide to Anime’. Why do I find myself in such a state? Well, simply, because I am so blown away by the sheer amount of work that must have gone into this volume – and it’s only volume one! The hours spent engaging with the genre, the intelligent thought gone into the critique, and the narratives that Cal has produced as a guide are worthy of outstanding praise.
Available in PAPERBACK or EBOOK or KINDLE format.

The Next Axia PDSG23rd April 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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