PDSG on 21st April 2021

Hello everyone 😊

Our next Post Diagnostic Support Group Session is being held on the 21st April at 12:00 p.m.

The topic of this session is Working in Partnership with Educational Settings, Masking and Reasonable Adjustments and will be run as a presentation followed by a Question-and-Answer session.

This may be of interest to those of you who have had children diagnosed by us here at Axia or have had a diagnosis yourself and have children in education.

If you are interested in attending this session, please send an email to social@axia-asd.co.uk which includes your name (or the name of the person that was assessed by us) and date of birth. We will then contact you with a guide to the session and a link to attend. We look forward to seeing you, and would suggest you BYOC – Bring Your Own Cake !’

Kieran Hughes
Education and Events Administrator

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2 comments on “PDSG on 21st April 2021
  1. hayley morgan says:

    when I click on the next Axia ASD Post diagnostic support group button nothing happen so I was just wondering why I can’t access it

    • Dream says:

      Hi Hayley,
      at the moment, there is no “PDSG page” as such, since the lockdown, so there is nothing for the button to link to. Each month we publish a post saying when the next PDSG virtual meeting is, what it will be about, and how to attend. We also usually do a “reminder” post.
      Hope that helps.

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The Next Axia PDSG23rd April 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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