
Who Can Refer?

We are happy to take self-referrals, referrals from families and referrals from Professionals, Service Providers and Commissioners.
Please contact us on with as much information as possible as to the reason for the referral and any background information.

Right to Choose (RTC)

As you may be aware you have the legal Right to Choose where you receive assessment and treatment for Physical Health and Mental Health Conditions. At Axia we offer Autism Spectrum Disorder assessments to guests over eighteen, who are registered with a GP in England. Axia is commissioned by Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board, to carry out Autism Assessments for Adults so we are therefore able to provide this service via the Right to Choose pathway.

To access us via the Right to Choose pathway, you will need to contact your GP and request to be referred to Axia via the Right to Choose pathway. We do provide a form for GP’s to easily refer to ourselves which we are currently circulating to all GP surgeries in England. If your GP has not yet received this or is unsure of the pathway and how to refer you to us we can email a copy of the form to them or to yourselves for you to provide them with. If they have a standard referral form they can use this, but must clearly state that it is a Right to Choose referral.

Once we have received your referral, this will be screened by our referrals manager, and once accepted we will start the appointment process. Once the assessment has been completed we will then invoice your local NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB).

For those exercising their “Right to Choose” under the NHS, please note the following:
  • The Right to Choose is only available if your registered GP is in England 
  • We can only carry out assessments for Autism, and only on people over the age of 18.

Individual Funding Request (IFR)

Individual Funding requests are used when the Right to Choose pathway is not appropriate. We can assess adults and children for Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Dyspraxia/Developmental Coordination Disorder and also provide therapy, cognitive assessments and profiles via Individual Funding Requests.

To access our services this way we will need to receive referral from your GP or Integrated Care Board, stating the service which is required and that funding has been approved. GP’s usually use IFR in cases where they believe the patients need for care or assessment is so great that it should be funded by the Integrated Care Board.

Once we have received referral and confirmation of funding, we will then invoice your local NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB). Your referral will be screened by our referrals manager, and once accepted we will start the appointment process.

The Next Axia PDSG23rd April 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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