
Axia ASD Ltd is a Chester-based diagnostic service for Autism Spectrum Disorder, Dyspraxia/Developmental Coordination Difficulties and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, amongst both children and adults. Axia is founded and directed by Dr Linda Buchan, a Consultant Clinical Psychologist with a forty-year experience in the field of Autism and neurodiversity.

Axia has a vastly experienced Multidisciplinary Team of diagnosticians including Clinical Psychology, Speech and Language Therapy, Systemic Family Therapy, Mental Health Nurses, Occupational Therapy, Teachers and prestigious trainers, authors and researchers in the field of Autism. Following diagnosis, individuals/families may access brief support sessions to make sense of their diagnosis and future hopes.

Individuals/families may self-fund, or seek funding (with support) for, complex psychological/psychotherapeutic intervention where appropriate. Adults diagnosed at Axia can access a monthly post-diagnostic support group which hosts stimulating themes and guest speakers. Axia is committed to partnership, collaboration, empathy and innovation across all aspects of the service.

Axia accepts self-funded and private healthcare referrals nationally and internationally and is an independent provider to the NHS (free at the point of access) for various Clinical Commissioning Groups and Health Boards, holding NHS contracts for both adults and children’s diagnostic services.

The Next Axia PDSG23rd April 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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