What I Mean When I Say I’m Autistic – Review

What I mean when I say I’m Autistic

by Annie Kotowicz.
Published by Neurobeautiful.

Receiving the request to read this book created by an Autistic individual can only be described as a delightful read and truly a love letter to the Autistic brain. A variety of topics are covered including but not limited to discovery, sensitivities, stimming, misunderstandings and meltdowns. The author makes it clear throughout that this book outlines the personal experience of Annie, and that other Autistic individuals’ experiences can vary.

A common theme throughout is the female experience within the Autistic world and how women can often feel like they don’t fit the expectation of who an Autistic individual is. The author describes this as feeling “half Autistic”, as they do not meet the ‘standard’ of what is expected of an individual with Autism.
This book shines a positive light on neurodiversity and the joys and strengths of experiencing the world through a neurodiverse lens; the quote “I miss what others catch and catch what others miss” encapsulates both the strengths and challenges of Autistic individuals.

The book provides self-soothing tips and focuses on the importance of self-advocacy and self-expression. I would recommend this book as a useful tool to allow family and friends of Autistic loved ones to further understand their loved one.

Finally, I would recommend this book for anyone who wishes to further their self-understanding.

Deryn Phillips
Administrative Assistant

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