Change in Format for Axia’s Post-Diagnostic Support Group (PDSG)

To everyone who has attended our “Hybrid” Post-Diagnostic Support Group meetings,

we would like to announce to everyone that Axia’s Post Diagnostic Support Group (hereinafter referred to as “PDSG”) will henceforward be moving back to its original face to face only format.

We understand this may be disappointing news to some of you who routinely attend virtually, however the hybrid (virtual & face to face) model was only brought in as a temporary measure during covid restrictions. It was always Axia’s aim, once restrictions were lifted and risks reduced, that the PDSG would return to its original format.

We know that some of you will be unable to attend in person which is why we will be continuing to film every PDSG and uploading it here on our website for you to watch.

Thank you very much for your understanding, we hope to see you at our next PDSG.

Joe Buchan
On-site IT technician and
Maintenance Engineer

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The Next Axia2nd October 2024
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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