Forgive me if this is not “News” to anyone, however it became apparent to me that due to my “Condition” or “Disability”, I have further potential “vulnerabilities” I was not aware of!
To give quick context: I have “Autism”, I don’t like “change”, and I’ve just turned 50. I also spent 23 years in our “Family Business” believing “Loyalty” had “Value”.
So imagine my surprise when for the umpteenth year in a row with the same Insurer, my Car Insurance went UP – AGAIN! And there was me naively thinking I had become a “statistical safety” for “insurance purposes”, now passing 50 years of age and having made “no claims” ever (but only 9 years counted with current insurer).

Due to my understanding that “comparison websites” earn their profit from “referral” or “click-throughs”, they are automatically suspicious to me. However under the circumstances, I decided to explore one of the “more reputable” comparison sites (from my perspective) which I will not name in case it is not! I was totally SHOCKED to see that instead of over £500 a year (from my current insurer) I could get it for £250 elsewhere!?!
So obviously, after stressing out for a couple of days wondering what on earth was going on, I thought the best thing would be to phone my current insurer and ask them that exact question! I mean it could easily be me putting in different details by accident, so I had to “man up” and make a phone call.
“Don’t worry, it’s not you”…
So who am I to believe?
The people who can knock off a fifth of the price WITHOUT “changing any details on my policy”? And what does THAT mean?!? Maybe there are details on my policy which could be truthfully changed to my benefit (did you know that a single man can be a “house husband”? Words don’t always mean what we think!)… Should I REALLY be giving them any of my “Trust”?
The point is, this may be just as common a problem for “Neuro-Typicals”, but for those of us “resistant to change” who also held some “fake belief” in “business loyalty”, we are easy targets now. It is almost as if there is a prevailing attitude of “those who do not seek change are lazy and stupid and should pay for it”, which has meant some of us autistic folk (who would be foolish to fight our nature) appear to have gotten caught in the crossfire.
Ask Questions!!!
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Hi Dream,
I take my hat off to you for challenging your Insurance company and if you do nothing more, you have scored a big win.
IF ( a very big IF) you could stand to make one or maybe two more phone calls, may I suggest that you phone Direct Line or Churchill ( Churchill are now owned by Direct Line) – incidentally Direct Line does not engage with the price comparison deals.
Direct line did a good car insurance for me in February, and very recently, Churchill saved us a chunk of money on insurance for our dog.
But don’t put pressure on yourself, because you’ve already done brilliantly.
Congratulations on the big 50 – it’s only a number, but it’s a nice number.
Kindest regards
Hi Helen,
Thank you ever so much for your encouraging words, and I think I DO consider it at least a “minor win” and probably won’t leave Direct Line… ooops! 😉
Thanks again, and it is a good point you made that “Direct Line” don’t participate in “comparison sites”, and they ALSO do NOT take “age” into account I was told.
Yes, it’s just a number, and you’re right again, it’s a nice number!
Best wishes,
Oh crumbs! That’s a coincidence. Sounds like you’ve done well then Dream.
Job done, tick the box and close the door
Take care and happy motoring
LoL, I don’t believe in “coincidence” Helen, I’d call it a “synchronicity” 🙂
It gave me a good chuckle seeing your comment, after I’d gone to all that effort into “no names no pack drills” *chuckle* (not sure exactly what that means, but it was one of my dad’s phrases, and I’m pretty sure it’s right in this context!).
Thanks again, see you at the next PDSG, I’m looking forward to seeing Dr. Mason again.
My experience with elec&gas suppliers is similar.
I have a fixed tariff but thy still put the price up. So I indicate my displeasure, and they put the price down!
No credible explanation. Also I diligently send in my meter readings but they still make wildly inaccurate GUESSTIMATES about my bill!
I presume that we are game playing and that the game is profitable.
Hi. Yes, my experience is similar with the “fuel suppliers”, but that’s another story. I think you’re right and it’s a “profit game”.