Axia-ASD Conference – Calvin’s Presentation

We are pleased to share Calvin’s Presentation,
recorded at our recent

“Perspectives from the Spectrum”


We look forward to sharing further presentations as and when they become available.

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Posted in Anime and Gaming, Events, News
2 comments on “Axia-ASD Conference – Calvin’s Presentation
  1. Luke Beardon says:

    I was gutted that I missed this so it’s fantastic to be able to see it on the site. Cal’s presentation is superb, he has a brilliant delivery and talks an awful lot of sense – well worth a watch!

    • Neil Morrey says:

      I’m not a film buff at all, indeed I have difficulty watching films, many come across as just a script to me. Cal however gave me some insight that I’d never have seen for myself.

      It was a great event, thank you to all involved.


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12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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