Another busy week here at Axia with our clinicians carrying out excellent work.
Just a reminder to those of you who are due to visit us for face to face appointments, all staff and visitors are required to wear masks in the communal areas of the building, unless exempt. We are still observing the Social Distancing rule of 2 metres and have hand sanitiser available in all of our clinic rooms and offices, in addition to those positioned around the building. Visitors are reminded to keep themselves and others safe by using the hand sanitiser provided before entering and leaving the building. Our clinic rooms allow the space for Social Distancing of 2 metres so families and individuals can remove their masks, if wearing, once inside the room should they feel more comfortable in doing so. There is now also a separate entrance and exit to the building to avoid congestion at the front door.
If you have a virtual appointment with us, please see the post: ‘Advice for those Attending Virtual Appointments’.
April’s PDSG Presentation is now available to watch. The topic was ‘Working in Partnership with Schools, Reasonable Adjustments and Masking’.
This week we added another organisation to our ‘Links’ page on the website: ‘ADHD Foundation’.
You can now watch the latest Anime Amigos Podcast – Best of Winter 2021.
Calvin posted a review today: ‘6 Reviews I would Prefer to Redo.’
Calvin and Ren streamed as usual on Tuesday and the game was ‘Shadow of the Colossus’. If you missed it and would like to watch, use this link:
‘Shadow of the Colossus part 4:
They will be streaming again later at 7:30pm and are continuing playing ‘Persona 5 Strikers.’ If you missed last week’s stream and would like to watch, use this link: Persona 5 Strikers part 10:
SPOILER ALERT! There will be spoilers for ‘Persona 5’s’ ending plot points.
Also, please be aware that both streams may not be suitable for younger viewers due to some adult content in the discussions.
You can watch tonight’s livestream by clicking here:
Administrative Assistant
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