Axia’s April PDSG Presentation with David Reiser & Sue Power

Thank you to both Sue and David for an inciteful look into how Axia work in partnership with educational settings, and how Masking may manifest in different circumstances as a result of confusion and distress.
During the discussion, a new study was mentioned which we said we would provide the link to, A Conceptual Analysis of Autistic Masking. David and Sue also referred to a book, “Explaining Humans” by Camilla Pang
Thank you to all those who attended, and for those who were unable to make it, you can watch the presentation below. We look forward to seeing you at our next Post-Diagnostic Support Group meeting in June.
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10 comments on “Axia’s April PDSG Presentation with David Reiser & Sue Power
  1. Senor says:

    I’m glad I decided to observe this PDSG session later, rather than actually be ‘there’. But it actually turned out to be highly relevant to my own older adult self. there as just so much here that I have experienced in all levels of ‘education and in all stages of life. And it’s good also to have a clearer idea what the partnership model really entails.

  2. Linda Buchan says:

    Glad to hear that

  3. Senor says:

    Hi Axia,
    You might NOT want to put this online. I think the following might be an interesting topic for a future PDSG, although it would probably only take up a few minutes of the session. I believe I watched one PDSG in which Linda talked about a throat reflex that is sometimes associated with Asperger’s/ASD. It’s just that it rang an almost immediate bell in my own experience; although I have to say that for me is not a particularly dangerous reflex. I guess this might be related to the reflux problems some young ND experience. If so, I wonder if that is perhaps why I used to gag on some foods while I was a kid.

    Funnily enough, my dentist’s comment was that I had an extraordinarly small buccal cavity for a big guy; after he had tried to use a gag to get a steady X-ray. I found that almost impossible to tolerate. And that was only a few years ago. Even then, I realised that there were some implications. It is perhaps a fascinating problem, and i imagine it could also be related to balance problems with the inner ear But of course, I have long lived with this relatively minor problem, so it would NOT be a primary issue at PDSG.

    • Corina says:

      For me, anything pushing down my tongue would trigger a gag reflex as in retching and therefore going to the dentist is kinda traumatizing and very intrusive.
      Last time I had to pull a wisdom tooth, as it was infected and after that procedure I had a meltdown and for a week my cheek was swollen, I was in pain too.
      Since then I have not been to the dentist.
      I don’t eat sugar, I take molybdenum to help with tooth enamel and I floss every day, just so I can prevent from ever going to the dentist again!!

      • Senor says:

        These major-league wisdom teeth problems are something that runs in the family; although I have definitely got a lot better at dealing with dentistry over the years. But dentistry has come a long way since the time back in the 60s when kids were given gas anaesthesia for extractions. I can still remember that vividly since I experienced an extremely bad dream. So bad, I sort of wonder if there wasn’t some sort of PTSD as a result. The gas masks they used were really quite traumatising in their own right. …. And yet again, I’m beginning to realise that a gag reflex might have been involved.

    • Carol evans says:

      Hi do you have any more information on this? Ive struggled with a very sensitive gag reflex all my life. As you have experienced, my experiences attending the dentist has been traumatic all my life. I now at 49 seem to have found a very understanding dentist. I really thought that this issue was something selective to me and 2 of my children

      • Senor says:

        With three posts on this topic already, I am hopeful that it might be addressed in a segment of a PDSG. It is a subject that has arisen in PDSG before, but it wasn’t the main topic of the session. It is not widely discussed elsewhere. If I see any links, I will of course try to post them here.

        • Senor says:

          We should also remember that AXIA-ASD has been especially busy during the Covid Era.There are just so many subjects that any one PDSG can cover. 🙂

  4. Helen Jones says:

    For the first time since my diagnosis I was unfortunately not able to attend this latest PDSG meeting.
    What a brilliant presentation by David and Sue! So much of what was said resonated with me.
    I wish I had seen it “live” but I am enormous grateful to have been able to catch up.
    As Senor commented, much of what was said was relevant to me and also my two sons.
    It was very moving, to be honest, to hear from David the depth of understanding and empathy that is felt for autistic people, and yet there are so many battles faced daily, for recognition and respect for this condition.
    Powerful stuff.
    Huge thanks to Linda, David, Sue, Kieran and all at Axia.

  5. Corina says:

    Autistic masking:
    I can so relate to what is being said in the video. Thank you all!!
    It is so recharging to have this narrative told by you, confirmation for my own experience.
    When you are constantly invalidated and hence forced to perform in a certain way that is actually unnatural to you – the DSM VI should include this as autistic trauma & PTSD !!

    Gordon Gates described it as
    I d e n t i t y F a t i g u e

    You can only drop the masking at HOME where you feel accepted and SAfE! Absolutely!!

    So thats WHY the living space is SO sacred!
    Right? That’s Logical!

    But Masking seems like the only option when you don’t feel safe in the environment around you, you don’t want to stand out like a sore thumb!
    For FEAR of being ridiculed, called out, devalued, even gaslighted at times!!
    And this is not being paranoid.
    As Dr. Linda pointed out, there is a lack of empathy and difficulty of understanding, if you don’t suffer from it yourself, right?

    I would say those are closely related?

    However, when my health and quality of life are endangered, I dare to speak even at work.
    Because otherwise, I will be the one to suffer the consequences.
    So for example we now have a stricter uniform order.
    We are supposed to wear a belt with cashier, purse and printer now, thats about 1500g additional weight on your hips.
    If you want to wear shoes that are not provided by the company, you have to run to your GP and ask for a shoe and belt excempt excempt.
    But because I would get real physical issues from wearing the wrong shoes and additional weight, i cannot mask in this issue, I have to reveal my health issues to my boss in order to get permission to not follow uniform new uniform order!! Thats a lot of stress!
    Lack of empathy, enforcement of rules are the actual problem here.

    In regards to correcting mistakes: Despite of that fear – because your sense of justice is so great –
    You speak up, when you feel and KNOW that somebody’s information is wrong or limited in particular, when that person is an expert and has influence and other people get harmed because if that experts limited knowledge.
    Why do it? Because you CARE for the wellbeing of others. THAT’s why!! Absolutely!

    And that is WHY I keep sending information to those who refused to acknowledge my trauma and PTSD to point out how it is all connected: Nervous System Dysregulation (through trauma or other triggers) can lead to various Mast Cell Diseases ( this is valid info from research papers or experts who have done studies and worked with clients) etc.

    When I speak up I only do it when I am 100% certain.

    But so many times in social situations I keep silent, as it is not worth the trouble to educate a person who is not curious about things..

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The Next Axia PDSG12th March 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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