Can you get a face covering exemption card in the UK?

From 24 July, the UK Government will follow Scotland, Germany, Spain, Italy and Greece in implementing a new rule that will require the wearing of a face covering in shops.

Those who fail to do so risk a fine of up to £100.

Explaining the decision on Monday, a Downing Street spokesman said: ‘There is growing evidence that wearing a face covering in an enclosed space helps protect individuals and those around them from coronavirus.

‘The Prime Minister has been clear that people should be wearing face coverings in shops and we will make this mandatory from July 24.’

The wearing of face coverings while on public transport was introduced on 15 June, however there are some exceptions including for health, age or equality reasons.

Some transport staff may not wear a face covering if it is not a requirement for their job.

Can I get a face covering exemption card?

The Government has not yet announced how people can identify themselves as not needing to wear a covering, nor released cards for this purpose.

However, Asthma UK state that the following transport companies offer cards which you can print out and take with you on your journey:

First Bus/First Group

Transport for London (TFL) has also made downloadable cards available on their website.

Other websites and charities such as Hidden Disabilities offer cards you can download, but these are not official Government documents.

The above image links to the Governments own website which states the Exemptions to wearing a face covering where they are mandated.

Above is the link to the Hidden Disabilities website which offers a specific Face covering exempt card. A card which indicates that you have a hidden disability and have a reasonable excuse not to wear a face-covering.

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