“THOR RAGNAROK” Another year, another series of MCU films. I have been reviewing the films for quite a few years on this site now and in that time I have now reviewed seven films from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and…
This section is where you will find Anime, Gaming and Film reviews from Calvin and the Anime Amigos.
“THOR RAGNAROK” Another year, another series of MCU films. I have been reviewing the films for quite a few years on this site now and in that time I have now reviewed seven films from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and…
“GOODBYE CHRISTOPHER ROBIN” Ok, when I put the film society on hiatus to do the London Film Festival, this is not the movie I expected to be reviewing when I got back. I was aware of the movie since I…
Calvin & Ren Review: The Summit #LFF2017 Our last review of London Film Festival is a Political Drama from Argentina that has us asking what the hell the point was. Plus we answer what our best and worst…
Calvin & Ren Review: The Breadwinner #LFF2017 We review an Animated film about the treatment of women in the middle east produced by the Song of the Sea director. Follow us on Twitter: @atkinson_calvin and @FourTablesMTG Share…
Calvin & Ren Review: Lu Over The Wall #LFF2017 We finally review an Anime again which asks the question: What if a mermaid was in Footloose. Follow us on Twitter: @atkinson_calvin and @FourTablesMTG Share This Post:
Calvin, Ren & Katie Review: The Florida Project #LFF2017 It’s the first disagreement we had on a film we’ve reviewed in our time at the London Film Festival and we make a bet on the oscar nominations which will…
Calvin & Ren Review: The Cured #LFF2017 We finally get a Zombie movie to review and believe me it’s more than Ellen Page that makes this one stand out. Follow us on Twitter: @atkinson_calvin and @FourTablesMTG Share This…
Calvin & Ren Review: The Party #LFF2017 We’re still at the London Film Festival and we’ve reviewed The Party and didn’t quite get the film we were expecting… Share This Post:
Calvin & Ren Review: Loving Vincent #LFF2017 We continue our time at the London Film Festival with our review of the world’s first oil painted animated feature film, covering the life and death of Vincent Van Gogh. Share This…
Calvin & Ren Review: Mutafukaz #LFF2017 We review the latest French/Japanese animated film to come from London Film festival. Which is actually madder than you’d expect. Share This Post:
Calvin & Ren Review: Battle Of The Sexes #LFF2017 The London Film Festival Vlogs continue with our review of the biopic detailing the famous match between Billie Jean King and Bobbie Riggs… by two people who don’t watch Tennis.…
Calvin & Ren Review: Big Fish & Begonia #LFF2017 We have our first exposure to Chinese Anime courtesy of the London Film Festival. Share This Post:
Calvin & Ren Review: Five Fingers For Marseilles #LFF2017 Continuing our time at the London Film Festival we review a western set in South Africa…. well that’s not something you say everyday Share This Post:
Calvin & Ren Review: Bamseom Pirates Seoul Inferno #LFF2017 It’s our first ever documentary review, this should be interesting. Share This Post:
Calvin & Ren Review: Wonderstruck #LFF2017 We give our review of the latest film from director Todd Haynes (Carol) which is his adaptation of Wonderstruck. Share This Post:
Calvin & Ren Review: Blade Runner 2049 We take a break from the LFF to review the long awaited sequel to Ridely Scott’s Blade Runner Share This Post:
“FLATLINERS” Flatliners is a film whose trailer caught my attention, however, for reasons you wouldn’t expect. Flatliners to me looked like it could be an interesting concept though it looked like it borrowed heavily from the Final Destination films, a…
Calvin & Ren Review: Brigsby Bear #LFF2017 We kick off our London Film Festival blogs with our review of Brigsby Bear. Share This Post:
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