Communication, autism and neurotypical people – New Book

“A Mismatch of Salience”
by Dr. Damian Milton
Published by Pavilion Publishing and Media Ltd
A Mismatch of Salience brings together a range of Damian Milton’s writings that span more than a decade.
The book explores the communication and understanding difficulties that can create barriers between people on the autism spectrum and neurotypical people.
It celebrates diversity in communication styles and human experience by re framing the view that autistic people represent a ‘disordered other’ not as an impairment, but a two-way mismatch of salience. It also looks at how our current knowledge has been created by non-autistic people on the ‘outside’, looking in. A Mismatch of Salience attempts to redress this balance.
Student price is £15.95.

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The Next Axia2nd October 2024
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