Deaf Mental Health Care

Deaf Mental Health Care: Working with Cultural and Linguistic Challenges

The University of Salford, alongside Professor Brendan Monteori and Elysium Healthcare are hosting the Deaf Mental Health Care: Working with Cultural and Linguistic Challenges conference on 12th – 13th September 2019 at The Lowry Hotel, Manchester.

Please feel free to circulate to colleagues that also could be interested.

Here is a link to the agenda, learning outcomes and other useful information regarding the 2 days. Also if there is something you cant find , let me know & I will help you.

Deaf Mental Health Care: Working with Cultural and Linguistic Challenges

Are you aware that mental health in the ethnic and diverse population particularly involving the deaf community receives minimal resources and public awareness. This conference will address and help you and your organisation rationalise and practically apply the aspects of specialised assessment and adapted treatments in sensory impairment.

The agenda will be centralised predominately around the acclaimed teaching of Dr Neil Glickman and Professor Monteori within the remit of therapy in deafness and mental health. As well as this, leading professional psychotherapy experts will also take to the stage discussing the stigma and discrimination of mental health and deafness and the opportunity we all have to enhance communication and awareness surrounding the culture and linguistic aspects of deafness.

The University has provided us with 10 Partially subsidised places on the Conference and we would like to offer THREE of these to you and your colleagues.

Please get in touch with me should you need further information.

Ticket prices for the 2 days are currently £249+vat, the University of Salford have subsidised the tickets for the event.

Let me know if you would like me to book you on the conference or want further information about the gala dinner being held on the Thursday night?


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