Developing the long term plan for the NHS


The NHS has just celebrated its 70th birthday.

A lot has changed since it was created in 1948, and as a result the NHS is responding to changes in society that were never expected, let alone planned for, when it was set up 70 years ago.

But the NHS is also a dynamic and innovative institution that has continuously evolved over the last 70 years. Those who use it and work in it know that evolution needs to continue if the changing needs of patients are to be met when the NHS is celebrating its 80th birthday. 

With the recent Government announcement of additional funding for the NHS we can now face the immediate future with renewed certainty; able to plan for the next five years confident of guaranteed budget increases.
The NHS is now working on a plan setting out our ambitions for improvement over the next decade, and our plans to meet them over the five years of the funding settlement.  

Helping develop the plan

As part of that process it is vital that all those who rely on and work in or alongside the NHS have the opportunity to contribute their ideas, experiences and insights.

Read more and give your feedback >
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One comment on “Developing the long term plan for the NHS
  1. Linda says:

    I would urge everyone to complete the survey
    It isn’t too long
    If we don’t tell them what is needed they will decide without us
    I have completed it
    I have stressed Timely diagnosis and post diagnostic support
    But fundamentally have stressed the need to listen
    Parents are the experts on their children and individuals are the experts on themselves

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The Next Axia PDSG12th March 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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