“Exercise and Autism” – PDSG Presentation by Sarah Hendrickx

Exercise and Autism – ‘When I run, it is the only time that my brain and my body are at the same speed’.

For some autistic people exercise is key to their well-being and can ever be a deep interest. For others, the idea of sweating, moving, being outdoors is highly uncomfortable. Some new research suggests that exercise may be beneficial in helping autistic people to overcome some of the negative impacts of autism, such as anxiety and depression. In this talk, we will look at the research and some personal examples and think about how we can find an exercise that suits us all.

Exercise and Autism

Axia Post-Diagnostic Support Group
March 2019

Sarah Hendrickx

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6 comments on ““Exercise and Autism” – PDSG Presentation by Sarah Hendrickx
  1. lee says:

    Great, thanks for recording it.

  2. Linda Buchan says:

    Our pleasure
    We want to provide the opportunity to hear the presentations to people who can’t make it to the group

  3. Helen says:

    As always, I enjoyed this latest meeting of the PDSG. Sarah’s presentation was quite thought provoking for me. I walk a great deal with my dog Clyde, and I love to be outside but, I can be just as happy in a town or village as I am in the country side.
    Key things in a town etc for me are lovely attractive/interesting buildings and architecture – they often exude “personalities “and have a warmth.
    Equally some architecture is quite painful and draining to be around.
    And trees, wherever they are, town, country or park are very healing.
    I frequently hug a tree – they hug back.
    Lastly, I am happy to be on your list of helpers – if there is a form to fill in and boxes to tick I’m even happier.
    Thank you for being there Linda and Team Axia.
    Kindest regards

  4. Linda Buchan says:

    I am happy to read these comments
    Looking forward to next group which will be the topic we missed when we had the bad weather in January

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The Next Axia PDSG23rd April 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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