“Interviewing Victims & Witnesses with Autism” – by Phil Morris

During Axia’s August P-D.S.G. meeting, Dr. Buchan mentioned a recently received email regarding a presentation given by Phil Morris which she had seen titled

“Interviewing Victims & Witnesses with Autism”

given at the

“North West Criminal Justice Forum”
on Thursday 14th July 2016.

Due to the discussion on Axia’s “Autism Alert Cards” it was suggested that we share this presentation on our website. Below are also links to the Justice for Intermediaries website intermediaries-for-justice.org/ and the Network Autism group, autism in the criminal justice system network.autism.org.uk/group/autism-and-offenders-partnership

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Some may also wish to sign up for the free monthly newsletter ‘autism and intellectual disability in the criminal justice system’ autism.org.uk/professionals/others/criminal-justice/signup

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