Those of you who attend our PDSGs, may remember at Luke’s last presentation he mentioned a research project that he was hoping to get ethical approval for, and that it would depend on getting enough participants from our Post-Diagnostic Support Group.I remain confident that despite the current situation, because all of this is online, that Luke will be able to get sufficient participants to conduct this most essential, vital piece of research that will place autistic individuals at the heart of the study.The number of people able to take part in this exciting research is limited, so please register your interest as soon as possible!
Consultant Clinical Psychologist
& Director of Axia ASD Ltd.
Invitation to a Discussion on ‘What it means to be Autistic’
- Are you an autistic adult?
- Would you like your voice to be heard?
- Would you like to participate in a study that will listen to your views on what it means to you to be autistic?
If so – read on!
Harriet Cameron from The University of Sheffield and Luke Beardon from Sheffield Hallam University are listening to autistic adults express and discuss their views on what it means to be autistic. You are invited to be a part of either a group (of approximately five, and no more than 10) autistic adults discussing what it means to be autistic; or, should you prefer to engage with the research without being part of a group, to have a discussion with Luke Beardon instead. If you choose the latter you will have the option of chatting with Luke on the phone, or via visual link (e.g. Skype) or via email or a messaging service. If you wish, you can be part of a focus group, and an additional interview. We will be offering a £20 voucher for each hour of your participation (up to a defined amount). There will be further opportunity after the focus group and interview to take part in analysis, and dissemination of the research.
What we hope to identify is what being autistic actually means to autistic adults. We are interested in the experiences autistic adults connect to being autistic, and in how autistic adults talk about being autistic. Once we have written the project up we hope it will help other professionals to have a better understanding of what being autistic means to the autistic community.
The project has been approved via The University of Sheffield’s School of Education ethics panel.
If you are interested in the role of co-researcher then please email one of us (email contact below).
We will then send you more detail on the project, which you should read through carefully before deciding to take part. If you did still want to take part after reading all of the information, we would ask you to sign a consent form.
Any questions, please email us. Many thanks in advance!
Our contact emails are:
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I do hope you connect with Luke to become part of this exciting research project
Axia can help you connect if you need help to do so
Hello Linda and Axia,
I have emailed Luke to express interest in helping with this research project, so I’ll wait to hear if I’m a suitable candidate. It’s scary but good to be given an opportunity to help deepen society’s understanding of Autism/Aspergers .
Kindest regards
Thank you so much Helen
Hopefully more people will email Luke or ask us to help them connect with Luke
I’m up for it too. It already seems like they might be able to put up with me. 😉
It looks like my daily cycle of acceptance and rejection might be drawing down a bit after three years of diagnosis and about five of self-realisation. I guess things have been almost right for most of my life. In fact, so close that it almost seemed at times like a waste of time to get worked up about it. And yet …… I’m coped quite well with lock-down. It is a bit like normal for me. But it has also made me want to get out more.
So glad to hear
Luke’s book The nine degrees of Autism would be of interest
Hope more of you come forward
You don’t have to tell us if you have emailed Luke if you don’t want to
I can assure you your anonymity in the research will be preserved at all times
Luke’s Nine Degrees was one of the first books I read on Autism – having had it recommended by Axia. And actually I think it would be interesting to read again now that I am a few years further on.
It is littered with coloured post it notes, page markers and pencil notes in the margins.
An excellent book!
I still haven’t read this book. But I keep reading positive reviews of it. As for Philip Wylie, I really don’t know much, but it seems a bit like having lived the life and got the ‘degrees’, that he has now lost interest in being analytical, and is now just living with it day-by-day. And why not!? I sometimes feel the same way myself. But NOT this time. Good luck to all of the authors in all their various endeavours!
I reckon now might be the right time to read the book.
What important research this is.
Would have loved to participate.
I now have the opportunity to participate in a Swiss research Project with
Andreas Eckert, Prof. Dr.
Professor für Kommunikation und Partizipation bei Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen am Institut für Sprache und Kommunikation unter erschwerten Bedingungen (ISK)
Interkantonale Hochschule für Heilpädagogik
Schaffhauserstrasse 239
Postfach 5850
CH-8050 Zürich
I sent them to this website, so they see the AXIA Model.
A collaboration between Switzerland and UK / with Axia model would be awesome.
Hopefully we will have some progress through this research.