Learning Disability and Autism update – May 2019

Here is the latest email update for the NHS England Learning Disability and Autism Forum. It tells you about ways you can get involved in our work.

We write this update in plain English and we tell you about more accessible resources like the easy read newsletter.

Easy read newsletter out now

Read our new easy read newsletter to find out about:

  • What it says in the NHS Long Term Plan for people with a learning disability, autism or both
  • Looking after your eyes
  • How to let staff know about your support needs with your Summary Care Record
  • How to tell us when someone who you know who has a learning disability has died
  • What work is going on to make sure we get medicine right for children and young people
  • Personalised care
  • Support in the criminal justice system
  • How to use the NHS 111 helpline

If you would like a paper copy (or copies for a group), let us know – engage@nhs.net

Healthwatch ask “What would you change?”

Healthwatch want to know what changes need to happen in local services to make sure everyone gets the support they need.

This is to help the NHS Long Term Plan happen across the country.

There are two surveys you can tell your local Healthwatch what you think should happen in your area to make the NHS Long Term Plan happen. They are asking:

  • what you think about local health and care services
  • about support for people with long term conditions, a learning disability and autistic people

The easy read Healthwatch surveys.

The non-easy read Healthwatch surveys.

Review of government autism strategy

The Department of Health and Social Care and the Department for Education are reviewing the autism strategy they published in 2014.

They have made a survey because they want to hear about people’s experiences to make the strategy better. They want to hear from:

  • autistic people – adults, children and young people
  • their families and carers
  • organisations and professionals working with autistic people

Find out more about the autism strategy review. You can respond online or send your feedback by post before the 16 May 2019.

New videos about sepsis

Sherwood Forest Hospitals have made some new films about spotting the signs of sepsis in people with a learning disability. Watch them here-

(1) Video for people with a learning disability about what the symptoms of sepsis are and what to do if you are worried.

(2) Video for families and carers to spot the signs of sepsis in people with a learning disability. It gives advice on what to do if you think someone you love or care for might have sepsis.

(3) Video for staff about spotting sepsis in people with a learning disability

The School for Change Agents

The School for Change Agents is a group of people who want to make changes in health services. There are around 15,000 people involved – lots of them are staff but they also have people who use services.

They run free training for people who want to learn more about making change happen. The training is online. It is done through live sessions on:

16 May
23 May
6 June
13 June
20 June

These sessions are at 3pm and recordings are available afterwards.

The School for Change Agents have been working to make their training accessible. Read more information about The School for Change Agents.

More information

Find out more about the NHS England Learning Disability and Autism Forum

Short film about NHS England and why we want you involved in our work.

Contact us

If you need this email update in an alternative format or have any questions please contact engage@nhs.net.

If you do not want to receive these emails or think you have been sent this email by mistake, please let us know and we will take you off our contacts list.

If you have any feedback about these emails, please tell us what you think.

The engagement team
Twitter – @NHSAbility
Facebook group – NHS England Learning Disability and Autism Engagement
Email – Engage@nhs.net
Watch accessible videos on our YouTube playlist

NHS England
0113 824 9686
7E56 Quarry House
Leeds, LS2 7UE

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