Learning Disability and Autism Update – NHS England

Here is the latest email update for the Learning Disability and Autism Forum. It tells you about the work of NHS England and NHS Improvement and ways you can get involved.

We write this update in plain English and we tell you about more accessible resources like the easy read newsletter and films

Bristol learning from death reviews (LeDeR) report out now

The learning from death reviews (LeDeR) programme is about stopping people with a learning disability dying younger than other people.
The third annual report about the LeDeR programme has now been published by Bristol University.
It is about all the deaths that we know have happened between January 2016 and December 2018. It looks most closely at the deaths that have been reviewed between July 2018 and December 2018.
It has information about what reviewers have recommended from the deaths they have reviewed.
Read the full annual LeDeR report
Read the easy read LeDeR report

NHS England and NHS Improvement action from learning report published

NHS England and NHS Improvement have written a report to reply to the things that Bristol University have said in their annual LeDeR report.

The action from learning report talks about the work that is happening in the NHS across the country. It talks about the things that we know cause people with a learning disability to die younger, and what the NHS is doing about them. These things include:

• Sepsis (when an infection gets into your blood and makes you very poorly)
• Constipation (trouble pooing)
• Problems with the Mental Capacity Act
• Cancer
• Dysphagia (problems with swallowing).

It also talks about what is happening in local areas. It gives examples of places that are making changes to make things better for people with a learning disability.

Read the full action from learning from report
Or in easy read action from learning report

This week is epilepsy awareness week

We want more people to know about epilepsy, including learning about different types of seizures and what they look and feel like.
Read the epilepsy society campaign page to find out more.
You can read information about epilepsy and autism.
There is also easy read and video information about epilepsy.

Constipation resources now available online

We know that people are dying too soon from constipation (trouble pooing). The constipation working group at NHS England and NHS Improvement have been working on some information for people with a learning disability, their families and professionals.
Easy read leaflet about constipation
Leaflet about constipation for families and carers
Leaflet about constipation for health professionals

More information

Read our easy read newsletter
Find out more about the NHS England Learning Disability and Autism Forum 
Short  film about NHS England and why we want you involved in our work.

Contact us

If you need this email update in an alternative format or have any questions please contact engage@nhs.net.
If you do not want to receive these emails, or think you have been sent this email by mistake, please let us know and we will take you off our contacts list.
If you have any feedback about these emails, please tell us what you think.
The engagement team
Twitter – @NHSAbility

Facebook group – NHS England Learning Disability and Autism Engagement
Email – Engage@nhs.net 

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