Message from Dream about December PDSG

Hello All!
I just wanted to update those of you who attended our Post-Diagnostic Support Group meetings, that we’ve had a test run of what will be our very first “Virtual PDSG”.
I’ll tell you about it in the video below!
Guest IT Consultant

Read the Invitation to our first Virtual PDSG here

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3 comments on “Message from Dream about December PDSG
  1. Helen Jones says:

    Hello Dream!
    Lovely to see you, what a great video!
    I’m very much looking forward to “seeing” you all on the 9th.
    Huge thanks to all of you involved for making this possible.
    Kindest regards

    • Dream says:

      Hi Helen!
      Thank you for your kind words. I’ve very much missed our PDSG meetings, and I too am really looking forward to being part of this event.
      Wishing you all the best 🙂

  2. Senor says:

    Thanks for all the reassurances Dream!

    Sometimes it seems like it would be nice to be seen and heard online, but there continue to be reasons why not, I’m afraid to say. Nevertheless, I have found that PDSG presentations and other online activities arising from this site continue to be far more supportive (to myself) than some other very reputable sites. 🙂

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