NAS CWaC Branch – News & Events July 2018

Our Autumn Seminars

We are delighted that Cerebra are joining us again in September, to deliver a seminar about the change from DLA to Personal Independent Payments (PIP) for children turning 16. This seminar should be hugely informative and is helpful to anyone who supports a young person between the ages of 13 and 16. 
Booking can be found at –

Geoff Evans from Teach You Ltd, will be delivering a talk on ‘Sexuality in Adolescence’ in October for us. Originally a Social Worker, Geoff has focused his career around supporting individuals with autism and is considered by many as an expert in the field, having recently been recognised as a finalist for the NAS lifetime achievement Award and the LiangBuission outstanding contribution award. We are thrilled he is coming to Chester and hope you can come and hear him speak.

Booking can be found at –

Please see the posters below for more information.

Are you a young adult carer?

Carers Trust 4 All are offering a Young Adult Carers Project in Ellesmere Port. The project is for anyone who is 18-25, who provides unpaid care to a family member, friend or relative. Basically anyone, no matter how much or how little they provide care.

The project can help with:

  • Arranging 1.1 support to discuss emotional and health issues, as 45% of all young adult carers have some mental health issue.
  • Meet other young adult carers at the bi-monthly events. As sometimes it is nice to know you aren’t alone.
  • Access to volunteering, education and employment
  • Join a safe dedicated social media community

For more information see –

Have your say about Direct Payments in the CWaC Consultation.

The Council recognises that every person’s circumstances and needs are different and that service users and their families are experts in their own situation. Direct Payments can promote independence by providing service users and carers with greater choice over how they use their allocated funds and the opportunity to self-manage their care and have control over the services and the care they need.

The Council are planning to make a number of changes to the current Direct Payments Policy with an aim to:

  • Increase choice
  • Smooth processes, increase clarity and efficiency
  • Reduce bureaucracy
  • Increase take up.

What we are consulting on?

We would like to hear your views in relation to the proposed changes to the policy and in particular the following areas:

  • Permissible spend
  • Notice period for suspension or cancellation
  • Hospital stays
  • Start-up payments
  • Contingency costs
  • Pre-payment cards
  • Direct Payment agreement.

How to take part?


Closing date: 1 October 2018

SEA LIFE Manchester – Quiet at the Aquarium

On 21st July 2018, SEA LIFE opens its doors an hour early, with limited tickets available, to provide a quieter SEA LIFE experience that aims to provide a more comfortable visit for those with autism and other sensory requirements.

Groups are welcome. Music will be turned off and SEA LIFE staff hand to answer questions. The use of the school room is available upon request, for anyone needing a private space.

Whilst Quiet at the Aquarium finishes at 10am, you are welcome to stay and enjoy the aquairum when it opens to the public.

To book go to –

Calderstones Beach @ Calderstones Park, Liverpool.

Calderstones Beach has been a feature of the Calderstones Park summer landscape for the last 4 years. It opens this year on 21st July and features brand new rides and activities for children and young people of all ages to enjoy. They will be hosting an autism and disability session on Tuesday 7th August, and an unlimited pass for all the fun fair rides will be £7.99 per child.

For more information visit –
For details on the park’s location visit –

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