NHS England Learning disability and autism update

Here is the latest email update for the NHS England Learning Disability and Autism Forum. It tells you about ways you can get involved in our work.

We write this update in plain English and we tell you about more accessible resources like the easy read newsletter.

We are looking for new advisory group members

The NHS England and NHS Improvement Learning Disability and Autism Engagement team help people with a learning disability and their families, carers and supporters to have their say in work happening at NHS England and NHS Improvement.

We have an advisory group that is made up of people with a learning disability, autistic people and family carers.

We are looking for two new members to join the advisory group. We think that between the two people, it would be useful to have:

  • someone who autistic and also a family carer for children or young people
  • someone with a learning disability
  • someone who has links to black and minority ethnic (BME) groups
  • people who have good networks
  • people who are different from the people already on the group and live in different areas.

If you are interested, please read our information pack:
Plain English information pack.pdf
Easy read information pack.pdf
Then fill in an application form:
Plain English application form.docx
Easy read application form.docx
You can also the questions in a video and send it back to us. Or you can fill in an online application form here –
You will need to do this by Monday 16 March 2020.

NHS Learning Disability Improvement Standards

In 2018 NHS Improvement produced four standards for NHS trusts:

  • giving people with a learning disability and autistic people their rights
  • involving people and listening to people
  • making sure NHS trusts have the right staff with the right training
  • special health services for people with a learning disability and autistic people.

NHS Improvement want to know how well trusts are doing to follow the standards.

There is a new online survey where you can tell them about their experiences of using NHS services.

You can fill in the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/LDStandards19

NHS Learning Disability Stopping People Dying Too Soon Board

There is a team at NHS England and NHS Improvement who are looking at how to stop people with a learning disability from dying too soon.

They are looking for an expert by experience to co-chair a board that is looking at why people with a learning disability sometimes die too soon.

You can email england.lederprogramme@nhs.net for more information.

You will need to apply by Friday 13 March 2020.

Staying well this winter

It is important to stay well this winter. There are different ways that can help you to stay healthy and well over the winter.

Some ways to stay well are:

  • keeping warm
  • looking after your mental health
  • calling 111 If you think you’re getting poorly
  • getting your flu jab to protect you from getting poorly.

Find out how to stay well this winter here:

More information

Find out more about the NHS England Learning Disability and Autism Forum- https://www.england.nhs.uk/learningdisabilities/get-involved/

Short film about NHS England and why we want YOU involved in its work

Link to more news from the Transforming Care Programme

Contact us

The Engagement Team
Twitter – @NHSAbility
Facebook group – NHS England Learning Disability and Autism Engagement
Email – Engage@nhs.net
Watch accessible videos on our YouTube playlist

NHS England & NHS Improvement
0113 824 9686

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