PDSG: Summer \ Winter Programme 2019

Axia-ASD Post Diagnostic Support Group – Programme July / December 2019

Crewe Lifestyle Centre – ask at Reception and you will be told where the group is held.
All meetings are from 12:00pm – 2:00pm. Refreshments are provided.

No interaction is required and you may come and go as you please.

The group is facilitated by Sarah Hendrickx, an autistic adult, author and diagnostician at Axia-ASD unless otherwise stated.

Wednesday 17th July 2019

Q & A Session with Dr. Linda Buchan, Clinical Psychologist and Director of Axia-ASD
A chance to catch up with any recent developments in the field of Autism and ask any questions about anything Autism related to Linda.

Wednesday 28th August 2019

Social and Personal Relationships – Sarah Hendrickx, Autistic Adult and Diagnostician at Axia-ASD
Sarah Hendrickx will speak about friendships and relationships for autistic people, including gender identity, loneliness and solitude.

Wednesday 16th October 2019

Pilates for Autistic Bodies – Karen Manghan, Autistic Adult, Autism Practitioner and Pilates Teacher
Pilates is a low impact form of exercise which aims to strengthen the body and can improve posture, muscle tone, balance and joint mobility, as well as relieve stress and tension.

Karen has studied the links between Autism and Hypermobility, which often leads to autistic people developing postural issues or pain conditions. Karen has a number of autistic Pilates clients who have benefited from Pilates in improving body awareness, co ordination and general well being.

Karen will deliver a presentation to explain how Pilates works, and will demonstrate some standing and sitting exercises to help improve posture. You are welcome to join in with the exercises if you wish, but do not have to do so.

Karen can also offer four short postural assessments during the break, if you would like an assessment then please wear loose clothing and understand that Karen may need to touch the spine or pelvis, assessments are performed standing and fully clothed.

Wednesday 4th December 2019

Autism and Adulting – Lana Grant
Lana Grant is a Specialist advisor and advocate for autistic people and their families. She has worked within the field of autism for nearly twenty years. Lana has a diagnosis of Asperger syndrome which she received in her late 30’s. Lana is also a parent of six children, three of whom are on the autism spectrum.

Lana will be talking about autism, family, parenthood and general adulting.

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5 comments on “PDSG: Summer \ Winter Programme 2019
  1. Helen Jones says:

    What a fabulous schedule of meetings to look forward to.
    Thank you Team Axia!

  2. Abby Browne says:

    Can’t wait to attend some of these.

  3. Linda says:

    We look forward to seeing you !

  4. Peter Rowan says:

    Sounds interesting.

  5. Linda says:

    It will be Peter

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The Next Axia PDSG12th March 2025
12:00 pm to 2:00 pm

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